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  1. SmokeAronAnonAthon

    Can't Figure It Out Maybe Someone Can !!HELP!!

    if your already using distilled water im not sure there is much you can do to lower it more when mine gets harsh i just use rain water to mix my nutes hardness in water is generally alkaline change your nutes weekly instead of bi weekly too
  2. SmokeAronAnonAthon

    Yellow and curling leaves..deficiency of..?

    ok so ive noticed when your are contradicting me on the forums (not that i mind cause:cuss: :finger:) but you are changing the smallest thing then reposting pretty much the same thing if your here, in the "plant problems" forum expect other people to know more than you. "su impudencia es...
  3. SmokeAronAnonAthon

    Man i think i got spider mights....

    you didnt even have to post that lol it was a given.... derp
  4. SmokeAronAnonAthon

    Some random problems, searching for advice

    dont let that dude try and over complicate things 4 florescents for veg state and 1 hps light for flowering
  5. SmokeAronAnonAthon

    Did my homework, but could use some advice on my 1st grow

    the mold was caused by too much humidity :wall: arid is good sometimes.
  6. SmokeAronAnonAthon

    Plant help for virgin grower please? brown spots on leaves

    definately has the signs of chemical burn cut back on nutes for a short period could also be low on mg but not too likely keep an eye and post more pics in a day or two and since you are in it to win it check into a couple things that are worth getting 1. Co2 2.carbonated water for more Co2. 3...
  7. SmokeAronAnonAthon


    if your growing indoors keep the plant 2 ft from the light dont water again for 3-4 days and keep wind blowing over the top of the plant not directly on it when it dries out it should perk back up afterwards make the drainage holes in your pot just a little bigger this will help and it also...
  8. SmokeAronAnonAthon

    Did my homework, but could use some advice on my 1st grow

    o yea lol i meant drops of ammonia but also if your already in your flowering stage DO NOT let any light hit the plant it will mess with it only green lights are ok when your in the flowering stage has something to do with spectrum's but thats a bit too in depth for myself ok so basically it...
  9. SmokeAronAnonAthon

    Neeed Tipps

    Marijuana Growing Guide Free Library
  10. SmokeAronAnonAthon

    Frustration with ventilation

    if noise isnt a problem get a squirrel fan those move alot of air very quickly just set it on a timer to come on every hour for 5 min you will be suprised and make sure you have a constant gentle breeze blowing over the canopy of your plants this prevents fungus and pests and ensures proper...
  11. SmokeAronAnonAthon

    So why are my leavings doing this???

    you could be giving it too much potassium this increases the amount of mg, iron, calcium intake and could lead to other problems just wanna let you in on that little bit.
  12. SmokeAronAnonAthon

    Stem Rot

    ok time to flood you with a lil knowledge Common causes of pythium in soil: Root rot/Stem rot is also known as “damping-off disease” because it commonly occurs when plants are in the seedling stage, due to: 1) Inadequate Drainage - marijuana...
  13. SmokeAronAnonAthon

    Twisting flipping leaves ???

    twisting and curling leaves is low on Mg and or N but i dunno since you said they are in good condition other than the curling weird
  14. SmokeAronAnonAthon

    What Plant Is Most Similiar To Marijuana?

    maybe if your into genetics and you cross germinate with them but its so incredibly unlikely lol why am i thinking about this
  15. SmokeAronAnonAthon

    Yellow and curling leaves..deficiency of..?

    you have a point about not flushing but check it, i know my shit man. Potassium (K)Potassium is involved in maintaining the water status of the plant and the tugor pressure of its cells and the opening and closing of the stomata. Potassium is required in the accumulation and translocation of...
  16. SmokeAronAnonAthon

    How long to Veg?

    when indoors i stop my vertical growth at 2ft this seems to produce better weed only drawback is the plants turn into little weed shrubs lol but i grow on a scrog you should check into it its badass and makes it more technical which is fun :idea:
  17. SmokeAronAnonAthon

    THC producing plant that doesnt look like marijuana

    we need to invent a form of edible algae that grows everywhere with thc mmmmm i wish id be a moldy mofoka
  18. SmokeAronAnonAthon

    My first real indoor grow

    if your gonna branch out into hydroponics dont grow in dirt grow in a soilless mix (not miracle grow) because you will have to be in charge of delivering the nutes it gets you accustomed to the plants reactions to different things this is how i got started and not to brag. but i have harvested a...
  19. SmokeAronAnonAthon

    Ghetto way to lower reservoir temp

    DIY Saltwater Aquarium Chiller it works like a mofo tho!!! i grow in a 82 degree closet in texas with high ass humidity cause im near the coast all i did was make 3 coils and stuck them in my mini fridge's freezer to cut back on space and packed ice in there with the coils and duct taped it...
  20. SmokeAronAnonAthon


    :leaf: QUICK SOMEONE EMAIL ME SOME WEED IM RUNNIN LOW AND ITS 2 WKS TIL HARVEST :leaf: P.S. sorry it wasnt an emergency im a jackass :weed: