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  1. I

    Buying seeds from the dam in person

    I was going to go there for other reasons aswell, so Im still keen to know how to go about it. Can I go in to a shop in Amsterdam and buy the seeds? if so do you know an good one that you can recommend? is there anything I should look out for, ie getting ripped off or buying dodgy seeds...
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    Buying seeds from the dam in person

    Yeah cheers thats awesome info:)
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    Buying seeds from the dam in person

    Im thinking about going there, can anyone reccomend a shop at which I can buy seeds. Id like some Cheese seeds if possible. would love to hear from anyone whos been and done this:) Note I live in Australia and will be bringing them back with me.
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    Maximising Yield

    yeah Ive heard Co2 is good, but its hard to generate easily?
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    Maximising Yield

    In Answer to your questions, I know she has a veg cycle of 4 weeks, and 8 weeks in Bloom. Im not overly sure on how much light she is using but we go on the gram/watt ratio as a guide. This ratio will change however as we use Roots Exelurator and extra chemicals to enhance the grow and bloom...
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    Maximising Yield

    Background information: We are currently using a 3 x 3.5m room with panda walls and floors. 5 x 600w hps lights - all with horizonal light configurations, two with chinamen shades and 3 with 'batman' shades tap water with normal tds 350 nutrients starting at 850 in grow out to 1400ppm in bloom...
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    Plant stopped growing went yellow.

    my new clones are looking very good, they have gone a nice green and are showing no signs of the mothers ailments.
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    Plant stopped growing went yellow.

    Flushed them with copious amounts of fresh water, up to 150 litres each or 3x times the volume of the pot for each plant, and let them run on fresh water for 24 hours. I hahve done this several times.
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    Plant stopped growing went yellow.

    was using CANNA nutes as per my other post you can see pics of how big the plants were, I started off at 800 ppm and gradually made it up to 1400 ppm over 5 weeks. which should be enough but after 4 weeks the plant just went yellow and stopped growing.
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    Plant stopped growing went yellow.

    So I just pulled out the worst plant in my room, I pulled up the roots and had enough to fill half a shopping bag, basically two handfulls. this plant has been in for over 3 months and in a 50 L pot. I was using Roots Accelurator aswell so the root system should have been enormous.! What...
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    Continuing Problems - Hydro.

    Im goingto buy some Grow nutes today, I normally use Dutch Master but Ill have a look at whats available and see if theres a better one. I have also added some rock juice and some heavy weight in the reccomeneded dosages and will see what effect that has. Im more in to experimenting at the...
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    Continuing Problems - Hydro.

    My ph is always between 5.4 and 6.2 as directed on the bottle, Im using dripclean at the recommended dosage aswell and take great care in making sure I have read the label and directions. My light arent that far away, about a foot distance normally, my hand wont get hot if I keep it at plant...
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    Continuing Problems - Hydro.

    Ive turned back now to 12 / 12, will see what I get from these.
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    not sure what is wrong with my plant?

    Looks like pH.
  15. I

    Big Problem

    I do all my grows in 100% perlite, IM going to switch to Canna Cocoa and Hydroton for my next one as I have had no luck with perlite for a cpl of grows now in the hot weather.
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    Continuing Problems - Hydro.

    Nope I was using rain water to start with but I ran out and started using normal tap water, normal water here has a TDS of 350 so I was making up my nutes to 1350 - 1400 gradually. Pics now added.
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    Continuing Problems - Hydro.

    Ive had nothing but trouble from my plants this grow, firstly the clones all but died and I was able to ressurect 3 of them and get them rooted in rockwool cubes, once they were stable I potted them in 50L pots under a small 400w HID at a distance and started them on nutes. (canna grow) A+B @...
  18. I

    My clones are nearly dead

    yeah I did after about 3 weeks under the fluro with no visible sign of improvement, I have had clones under a 400w before with no dramas, do you suggest putting them back under the fluro? I was also thinking about re cutting them and and dipping them in gel again and putting them in new...
  19. I

    My clones are nearly dead

    Ive had these clones now for nearly a month, I got them brand new. They were cut at 45 dgrs and dipped in clonex rooting gel and placed in rockwool cubes. They have since then deteriorated to yellow droopy and dying, I am not doing anything differently to what I normally do. I am using...