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  1. Jubei485

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    What Threads do you recommend? Just wondering if there is any must reads that I might have missed.
  2. Jubei485

    Trimming fan leaves a consensus part 2

    I'm just on my second flower now. My first grow was mostly in a box in my room for months under CFLs because my basement got flooded bad. We removed like 16 gallions 233times. It was like a river. I didn't trim my first flower at all and for the most part it was under florescent light, with CFLs...
  3. Jubei485

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    Are you ozonenating you water with water stones? I'm confussed as to the little white pellets you removed. You didn't take the pearl-light too?
  4. Jubei485

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    Hope you guys can help. I'm looking for bigger yields. I'm getting about 1/2 oz a plant. I was looking into some advance nutes and was thinkg on picking up Vooddo Juice but if there is another out there I can buy for bigger and better buds I would rather go that that. I've also seen a medical...
  5. Jubei485

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    so are they ok like that, maybe a little less trimming? I just want to know for the future. The plants are really strong and healthy. This is only my second flower. My first had too many branchs and I ended up with a shit load of little usless buds.
  6. Jubei485

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    3 weeks, no real bud formation yet.
  7. Jubei485

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    Too much Trimming?
  8. Jubei485

    Trimming and Terpenoids

    Just wondering what too much trimming might be? Check my Pictures. I also just learned some new things I wanted to share. Terpenes are a class of hydrocarbons. They play a part in many plants and herbs and are what give them there distinct aromatic qualities. They contribute to the scent of...
  9. Jubei485

    Triming during flowering to allowmore light

    I've found trimming off lower leaves and branches has produced far larger yields for me. it allows air to flow through and instead of having a lot a little buds I get 5-8 large top buds. all top buds too. No little shitty ones. P
  10. Jubei485

    Clones? Help me out

    I like to use the soil method with 1/4th my nutrient solution. I've done the dome method but perfer to use just red plastic drinking cups, soil, rooting gel and a super heavy watering of my 1/4 water/ nutrient solution. Since I've started this method I've had a 100percent success rate. You can't...
  11. Jubei485

    Hermaphrodite? Seeding? Please Help!

    I have other plants plus a veg room right next door. I cut them and hung them. Lessons learned
  12. Jubei485

    Hermaphrodite? Seeding? Please Help!

    I had a bit of light leeking into the room, and had some timer issues, I just need some advice. If they are Hermaphrodite should I just cut them down now? They are in their first week of flushing.
  13. Jubei485

    Males or Females? - Random pics of some of my 10 veggers

    I can't see anything yet. You might have to give it a few more weeks before you can tell. Some strains take longer to show sex. My bubble gum you could tell after 1 week but my white widows ( which we're cloned from a female) still haven't show much sign of there pistels yet. This is one I...
  14. Jubei485

    Paging Dr. Greenthumb!!(nitrogen too high?)

    Transplanting is a good idea. It likely is too much nitrogen if it is sweeting. I must have missed that the first time I read it (I was stoned). I'd do what you have planed and see if the browning stops. If it doesn't try the water stone. It saved my Sativas!
  15. Jubei485

    Paging Dr. Greenthumb!!(nitrogen too high?)

    are you ozonating your water? It looks like the same problem I was having with my Bubble Gum. Just add a water stone and pump air into you water for 15 min before watering.
  16. Jubei485

    Need Help, is this a male? Don't want it to put my females to seed

    Is this a male plant? It's my first aerogarden grow and don't want it to ruin my good females in soil. Can you keep a male in the same house you grow females?
  17. Jubei485

    Tutorial to Growing with Cfl's

    do 400w CFLs need a ballest?
  18. Jubei485

    Need Help, Strange browning, want to change grow mediums and are these balls? Help!

    Here are pictures of my white widows and my Bubble gum plants. I'm worried my whites are males and my bubble gum plants have odd browning.
  19. Jubei485


    Are these Balls?
  20. Jubei485


    This is a white widow clone I was told was female but are these balls?