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  1. Jubei485

    Strange browning

    This Plant is a Bubble gum strain. I haven't been feeding them any Nukes yet. I test the PH of the water I feed them, I use CFL's and they are on a 18/6 cycle. When I got them they we're on a 24 cycle. Should I start nukes? The soil apears to already have nukes. I want to transfer to Areoponic...
  2. Jubei485


    This is one of my bubble gum clones that has a gone a little brown. The plant as a whole looks great. I haven't been giving it any nukes yet and i just changed the cycle from 24 to 18/6. I just got my PH meter and the water I was feeding it was almost 8. Would that have caused this? Should I be...
  3. Jubei485

    Are these balls??? Pics Attached

    Thanks for the photo.
  4. Jubei485

    Long time smoker, First time grower, Love the site, Still have questions

    The 18-4 thing was bad math on my part. I got the picture up now. There not autoflowering.
  5. Jubei485

    Long time smoker, First time grower, Love the site, Still have questions

    First off I want to thank everyone and roll it up for everything. I've been doing nothing but reading for the past two weeks waiting on my clones. I still, however, have a few questions. There has been a lot of people disagreeing on the flowering cycle light time. Some say 24 hours is fine but...
  6. Jubei485

    Long time smoker, First time grower

    First off I want to thank everyone and roll it up for everything. I've been doing nothing but reading for the past two weeks waiting on my clones. I still, however, have a few questions. There has been a lot of people disagreeing on the flowering cycle light time. Some say 24 hours is fine but...