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  1. chep42

    4th week flowering

    Yea having trouble with pics keep getting error when uploading it
  2. chep42

    4th week flowering

    So far so good with my first grow
  3. chep42

    first grow

    T5 lights no sunlight
  4. chep42

    first grow

    Dont know the strain and i took 2 clones
  5. chep42

    thinking of buying a T5 light.

    Yea man i use the t5 4 bulb and i got 1 beauty growing under it
  6. chep42

    how many plants can i get

    Here she is
  7. chep42

    how many plants can i get

    What do u mean by flood table this is all new 2 me
  8. chep42

    how many plants can i get

    What is sea of green
  9. chep42

    how many plants can i get

    3 weeks into flower
  10. chep42

    how many plants can i get

    Should i trim the buds on the bottom cause buds r everywherethey seem to b getting light down there so i dont know if i should
  11. chep42

    how many plants can i get

    Yea got a fan doing all that keeps it nice in there i leave the door alittle ajar to keep fresh air in
  12. chep42

    how many plants can i get

    Now i got t5 2ft 4 bulb on top and a t5 2 bulb on side and 2 150 watt cfl in there is that enough light for 1 plant
  13. chep42

    how many plants can i get

    I have a 3 by 3 closet do u think i can get 2 plants to grow in there if i make them smaller the lady i got in there now takes the whole space up
  14. chep42

    first grow

    Heres a shot of the lady
  15. chep42

    first grow

    I will do that 4 sure thanks
  16. chep42

    first grow

    I wish i knew the strain
  17. chep42

    first grow

    K thanks i need all the info i can get
  18. chep42

    first grow

    Got 1 seed turned out to be female just wondering how im doing this is all new to me didnt know about nut burn
  19. chep42

    first grow

    Have no idea what strain
  20. chep42

    3 weeks flowering

    How she look