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  1. B

    Why do races hate other races so much?

    Moors were all over europe, maybe even the world. I consider their empire the old world order. People never ask how the concept of the throne got from Africa to England, there are no lions in Europe whats with the coat of arms. I am not a expert on the moors though.
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    Why do races hate other races so much?

    Nothing wrong with talking about the race issues the problem is, not hiring, police violating rights, wars and actually acting on your beliefs. In my opinion.
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    Why do races hate other races so much?

    Anybody defending whiteness or colonialism or anything out of europe in 2011 is a lost cause. Western civilization is broken and exposed.
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    Why do races hate other races so much?

    Moors are the reason europeans are so bitter, where are the moors now?
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    Why do races hate other races so much?

    jonblaze your lack of education stinks from here. Even if not all europeans are white I dare any colored person to try to marry into european royalty. You will end up like dodi fiyad and princess diana
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    Why do races hate other races so much?

    Racism exists in the context of inernational affairs, nobodys talking about racism in places everybody is 1 ethnicity, That might be one reason rich white people need a university course to learn about reality. (people lie so much they create a false reality)
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    Why do races hate other races so much?

    There was slavery and racism in this world long before there was a "Europe". -Typical white lie.- Their were empires that were based on culture and family kinship. Racism is totally different and its in the context of globalization so go read a book.
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    Why do races hate other races so much?

    As a white person I can strongly say white people are biological cancer cells that have spread through earth. Everything on earth has melanin except us. Now research what a cancer cell looks like. lol
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    Why do races hate other races so much?

    Jon blaze who divided up nations based on race instead of culture and so forth during colonialism?
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    Why do races hate other races so much?

    People don`t get it, Europeans always say they want the bullshit to stop, but THEY HAVE WAGED WAR ON EEVERYBODY ELSE, using bullshit political lingo to lie. Lets stop acting like we`re blind def and dumb, go to university if you want to learn whos to blame for negatively influrencing all life...
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    Why do races hate other races so much?

    My favourite part of the story is when, europeans found out that if you raise an asian, afrcan etc in Western society with equal treatment. They out do whites in everything including academics and athletics and health. (Berlin olympics)
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    Why do races hate other races so much?

    This thread is ignorant, Racism was created by the european race because if you havent noticed every other race lived everywhere asians in africa, africans in india, south americans in the north and south, indians in south america and so on. If you knew history you would know that europeans were...
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    Favourite Mail Order Marijuana

    Whats obvious?
  14. B

    Favourite Mail Order Marijuana

    I recently ordered grand daddy purp from what an amazing service shipped from Canada to New York without a hitch,