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  1. K

    Did I dry too long?

    Yes obviously I can read what it says but my bud is not at the long term storage range (55 to 60 %) so that does not apply whatsoever yet. I am wondering how long to leave in the jar before burping during the cure not storage. If you dont have the answer for me than thats fine I was simply...
  2. K

    Did I dry too long?

    There is so many things out there to follow which is why I explained somewhat what I am following but for certain details I want people's personal opinion of what works. You said I should leave it to cure which makes sense to me but in your opinion would you be not burping it at all until you...
  3. K

    Did I dry too long?

    I am trying to stick to a perfect cure everytime. By this should I keep the jars sealed for atleast a few days or burp quickly everyday? Sorry for the confusion, really dont want to screw all this up!
  4. K

    Did I dry too long?

    I did read this forum earlier today but I don't see where it explains how often to be burping in the 60 to 65% range. I know I want to keep it there long as possible and what not but I do not know how to avoid mold and keep the humidity between 60-65% at the same time.
  5. K

    Did I dry too long?

    My only other thing I am worried about is that I may get mold from leaving it sealed for a week at a time. Is this something I should be watching for in the 60 to 65% range or am I fairly safe because it is out of the 65 to 70%? Sorry for all the questions but thanks a lot for all the responses...
  6. K

    Did I dry too long?

    Thank you. Getting out of that zone was exactly what I am worried about. Should I be burping maybe once a week?
  7. K

    Did I dry too long?

    I have been reading a lot of different methods of how to get the proper cure. I know that when you start out you are usually supposed to be between 65 to 70% when you first put them in the jars and slowly bring the humidity down to the 60-65% range by burping it daily. MY problem is that when I...
  8. K

    Did I dry too long?

    burp everyday or leave cure!?!
  9. K

    Did I dry too long?

    My question is since i missed the inital burping stage and caught it before it dropped under 60% RH in the jars, will i still get a proper cure (the proper dank smell/taste)? Also since the RH is under 65% should I only be burping once a week or everyday still? I dont want the bud to dry out to...
  10. K

    Did I dry too long?

    I burped them once yesterday for a couple minutes. I just dont know how often to burp them now. I thought i over dried them because i missed the inital regualar burping down from 70% to under 65%. Now my jars seem to be sitting around 62% RH. But have only been in jars almost 2 days. Any advice...
  11. K

    Did I dry too long?

    Hey everyone. I hung all my branches in a dark tent with small fan and exhaust on for 5-6 days at 18-20c and 50-55% rh. My jars read around 61-62% in jars after 24 hours in jars. They have only been in jars almost 2 days now. The buds feel dry on the outside buy very dense sponge like...
  12. K

    Need Help on Drying and Curing

    I have not figured out what the exact humidity is supposed to be because everyone says something different. If you think I should keep it below 50%, I am still wondering how I can raise it to that humidity (say 40% like you said) without the help of my cool mist humidifier? The reason I purchase...
  13. K

    Need Help on Drying and Curing

    Like i said i have tried the bowl method previously for raising humidity but it did not raise it enough. Only to like 20 maybe 25% sometimes.
  14. K

    Need Help on Drying and Curing

    Its definately useful for veg. But if I shouldn't use that to raise the humidity how do you suggest I keep it high enough? Without the humidifier it was only at 10%-15% humidity.
  15. K

    Need Help on Drying and Curing

    I used to use that method but the reason I asked about the cool mist humidifier is because that it something I already have purchased for the grow
  16. K

    Need Help on Drying and Curing

    Can I use a cool mist humidifier in the room when im drying to keep the humidity up? Also should I have a fan inside the room and outside the room (circulating air from outside to inside), just one outside the room, or just one on the inside? The room im dealing with really is not a room...
  17. K

    Need Help on Drying and Curing

    Hey RIU! just have some questions on drying and curing, i need to get this right this time! Drying: 1) I need to have my buds somewhere totally DARK. in 18-24C (64-75F)? 2) Remove all FAN leaves, but sugar leaves are fine for now (before jarring)? 3) Dry as long as possible, 5+ days? 4) Dry...
  18. K

    Need Clarification on Drying/Curing

    Hey RIU! just have some questions on drying and curing, i need to get this right this time! Drying: 1) I need to have my buds somewhere totally DARK. in 18-24C (64-75F)? 2) Remove all FAN leaves, but sugar leaves are fine for now (before jarring)? 3) Dry as long as possible, 5+ days? 4) Dry...
  19. K

    Hermie Question

    will be adding pics tomorrow afternoon. I found an almost exact replica researching this problem. (THIS IS NOT MY PLANT) This looks exactly like what is on my plant. There is only the one place on the whole plant currently. I have calyxs with 2 white pistils coming out in a few different...
  20. K

    Hermie Question

    lights just went off 7 mins ago, and just noticed it then . hairs at the top branches where buds are forming though. Could it already be hermie?