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  1. R

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    @Stephenj37826 When do you get the QB288 V2 Rspec back in stock? Are you planning to replace the 16 Osram SLL with Cree 660? Maybe in a V2a or V3? ;-) Thanks
  2. R

    Heisenbeans Genetics

    Or maybe you can post your recipe for the solution? ;-)
  3. R

    Heisenbeans Genetics

    Unless you make your CS by yourself. Then you can calculate the ppm :cool:
  4. R

    Heisenbeans Genetics

    Me I ask; What PPM do you use on your CS? How often do you spray? And when do you start spraying?
  5. R

    The far red thread

    Are you running both "color" LED at the same time? I thought, the 660nm was for wakeup and the 730 for sleep initiation.
  6. R

    Heisenbeans Genetics

    I do have an CS generator. So the 60ppm should be no problem to reach. Just let them run longer. But I stay with STS. A lot simpler, less work and it works for me ;-)
  7. R

    Heisenbeans Genetics

    OK. I made my own CS but shoot for 50ppm. That's might be my problem :oops:
  8. R

    Heisenbeans Genetics

    What's your PPM rate on CS?
  9. R

    Heisenbeans Genetics

    Well ... NO. I had no luck with CS. Had all the bud full! of sack but NO pollen to use. Then I went to STS. And what should I say; It worked MUCH better! AND you have to spay WAY less often as with CS ;-) Just my 2 cent
  10. R

    DIY with Quantum Boards

    As an Autopot user my self, me I ask what Kind of fertilizer you'r using?? Are you top feeding?? Thanks
  11. R

    Mau5Capades: builds & grow journal

    I will. Sorry for posting in the wrong thread! And thanks for your help!
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    Mau5Capades: builds & grow journal

    I meant someone else. Sorry :)
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    Mau5Capades: builds & grow journal

    OK. Thanks allot for your help! Maybe someone else with experience will answere that.
  14. R

    Mau5Capades: builds & grow journal

    Thanks Bassman for your answere. So it barely fits the max voltage of the Driver. Any thoughts about the 2 coolers? Alpine 11 or 64? It looks like the holes on the Alpine 11 could be handy to mount the cooler on the profile. And most of you DIYer are using the Alpine 11 Plus. So it "must" be...
  15. R

    Mau5Capades: builds & grow journal

    I got inspired from the @Growmau5 DIY YT Videos and like to build my own DIY LED Panel. But i'm pretty new to DIY. So I need some help please. (And sorry for my Englisch. It's not my main Language!) I like to build my Panel with: 5x CXB3070 3500k 5x Ideal Holder 1x HLG240H-C1400B 5x Alpine 11...