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  1. r420wi

    Pics! Can some1 help

    they are in 4in rockwool cubes the nute was 100 but i lowered by addin more water when set the ph and pps today so id say its about 60 to 70 % nutes and i have them clay pepples can't remeber the correct name lol and them are filled to abot have the rockwool i did that cause the 1 that looks...
  2. r420wi

    Pics! Can some1 help

    idk blaze abot a month and a half when do u start nutes 1st time here lol im seing bc products
  3. r420wi

    Pics! Can some1 help

    i have 4 3ft long 30 watt lights i water them 2 time a day i just brought the ph down and the ppms down today yesterday it was high at 6.5 and the ppms was 1500 now its 1250 oh and the timer fills the up 4 1 min and it goes half wa up the rockwool
  4. r420wi

    Pics! Can some1 help

    i was wondering what the yellowing is on the first pic looks light green and r they welted a little from over watering the one plant looks ok i thinklol my ph is down to 5.6 my ppm is 1250 and my ec is 1.7 heat is about 69-72 humitiy is 35 to 45 % sound pretty good? lol any help plz
  5. r420wi

    What u think???????

    i bought that milwaukee 3 in one tester ph ppm and ec i just have to fig out how to use it correctly lol
  6. r420wi

    What u think???????

    i have that ph down shit ill add it later im just figureing all this shit out lol its hard when u'r high all the time lol
  7. r420wi

    What u think???????

    i have a hps ligh but i thouth that was 4 flwring i have another whle room set up 4 that i have a 1000watt hps and a 400 watt hps i have 10ftx10ftx10ft room for florwering i was going to clone these and grow about 16 larger plants in my other room what u think aboutthe 1400ppms to high and there...
  8. r420wi

    What u think???????

    n 1 has nothing to say :(
  9. r420wi

    What u think???????

    oh yes flood and drain
  10. r420wi

    What u think???????

    i have another whole set up 4 the flowering stage this s my 1st time these r my fist babies lol just ondering how im doing so this setup is just 4 small 1s and mebay moms
  11. r420wi

    What u think???????

    I'm useing 4 30 watt tubes,bc nutes,my ph is high at 6.2 the ppm is 1450 and ec 2.02 any suggestions? an feed back will help lol:bigjoint:
  12. r420wi

    Humidity question need some help!!

    I have 3 babies going right now:weed: but my humidity keeps going down to 25 to 30%. the temps r about 68-74. i run 4 3ft 30 watt cfls 24 hrs a day. i water 2 times a day. and its cold in wi lol so i have a heater vent with a hose going into my bx an suggestions how to get the humidity up ty 4...
  13. r420wi

    any1 plz!

    was woundering what online places is dependable to order lights and hydroponics systems from any advice would help . i just don't want to get ripped off lmao
  14. r420wi

    Help plz??

    thanxs for the advice i think im going 2 go with 2 600watt lights? but my vent system shouldn't be a factor i have great vent system. any1 have a online place for ordering lights and hydro systems they used and trust thanx u
  15. r420wi

    stupid question lol

    i meant 2.5 to 3. oz on the last thread sorry lol
  16. r420wi

    stupid question lol

    is it possiable to get a pound per plant and how i was looking at seeds and it said the plants grow 2.5 to 3.0 of buds. is that right?
  17. r420wi

    Help plz??

    The Future-Brite digital ballasts can fire BOTH Metal Halide (MH) and High Pressure Sodium (HPS) bulbs this is the one im usein and a Hydrofarm's Radiant reflector with a strain of white seeds not sure which ones yet was thinking of rhino or widow i was just wounderin what might plants might...
  18. r420wi

    some help plz??

    thanks for all u'r help and with ppl like u on this site i think i'll be fine when everything gets going i'll post pics for u to see (and help lmao) u been very cool and helpful ty i'll try u'r link smoke a bowl and pass out thank u
  19. r420wi

    some help plz??

    Newbie Central whees that lol man that makes me feel crappy but thanx for u honesty i was thinking for all the money i hav eto put in is it worth it in the end if i reallly won't atleast get my money back
  20. r420wi

    some help plz??

    can't u tell by all my questions lol but yes it is lol