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    best stinky strains

    to grow am used to growing auto flowering plants want to grow a photo period plant but want a plant that really stinks, stinks so bad that you need filters for anyone know any strains to get? the stinkier the better
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    i been putting mag in (epsom salts)
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    its weird think they was burning form to much fert reduced it a bit now to little could tha cause the spots aswell?
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    i seem to get every problem you can get any ideas what this could be got some spoting and some leafs lime green on the outsides
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    HELP please

    Should I lower ppm then? Have got an ro system but waiting for part to fit it up
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    HELP please

    Really? Maybe you right did notice few dark green leafs that sucks my water is nearly 300 lol
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    HELP please

    It's now 386 ppm you think would stop now it about 2 nearly 3 weeks old
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    HELP please

    Thanks for your rereply was about 450 ppm started early then stopped but then gone to most the big leafs my ppms where going up every day
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    HELP please

    am growing in dwc and my leafs tips have got kind of spots on they start tiny then get bigger anyone know what could be? been adjusting ph every its been rising as with ppm seems stable now
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    hows my grow going?

    mine always seem to grow bushy in soil this is dwc here pic of it today i toped it once already
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    hows my grow going?

    yeah need clone it to know sex dont want change 12/12 untill know it female. yeah ordered some cal / mag the rez bit high need cool it heard put ice bottles in the rez but it floats so thought would kill roots if touch ice
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    hows my grow going?

    yeah nearly 3 weeks old, and looks like not growing high
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    hows my grow going?

    yeah its a clf 250w will raise it a tiny bit see if that helps is it to early to clone to see what sex it is? my 1st dwc grow and getting every problem that you could get with it, if does the leafs matter if got some brown spots and few burned tips will it affect the buds in the end?
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    hows my grow going?

    is it looking ok? and how can i make the plant go taller it seems short but bushy
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    Ec meter

    Hi all making nutes up and my ec meter reads in us/cm how can I find out the ppm get a reading of 620 us/cm
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    DWC Root Slime Cure aka How to Breed Beneficial Microbes

    hey man nice post would the slime be white and like jello? i got it plant a seedling water only 2 days old
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    Advanced Nutrients PH Perfect

    still not changing ph even wen filter it 5 times lol
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    Help me agggggh

    lol i prefer using hyro just getting used to it
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    Advanced Nutrients PH Perfect

    yeah filtered my water to a ph of 5.6 wen add nutes dont change
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    help plant problems again

    few people told me nutes everywater lol have been letting it dry out till real light then feed am waiting for my ec meter to come other broke