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  1. MrDank420

    Cal/mag issue? Help confirming

    first of all id like to thank you for you time and quick responses. Ok so i def think your right about the ph too low! i just added some flushing solution to about 25 gallons of water and phd it to 6.2 and my run off was 5.7-6.0 depending on the plant. 250ppm in and 1000ppm out. im not done...
  2. MrDank420

    Cal/mag issue? Help confirming

    But besides the small problem they are doing great. 5 blue cheese 2 trainwreck under two 600w vert hoods
  3. MrDank420

    Cal/mag issue? Help confirming

    Here is a few natural light pics of leaves. Sorry its so hard for me to come when lights off... I have to wait until weekend. Pretty much im flushing tonight. Hope the pictures help
  4. MrDank420

    Cal/mag issue? Help confirming

    I just like to keep a log incase i have problems i can look back and have correct information. My temps during the day are 76-79 my night temps are 63-70. Ive never seen below 63 nore above 80 in my room. Ive only fed 3 or 4 times above 800 ppm (5 week of veg was about 600-750 ppm) i am only...
  5. MrDank420

    Cal/mag issue? Help confirming

    Hey guys, this is my first run with cyco nutrients, three out of my 7 plants are showing what i think is cal/mag issue. I use cal/mag as an additive to cyco nutrients and im wondering if this could possibly be a calmag burn or is this lack of cal/mag. All pots are in 5 gal 70% sun shine #4 30%...
  6. MrDank420

    3 Plants 600w week 8 flower! HELP!

    Im confused, why is it even a big deal that i named an unknown strain ugly duckling? lol To me id rather name it then call it "unknown plant", this is a strain i plan to continue growing, srry if i offended you. lol
  7. MrDank420

    3 Plants 600w week 8 flower! HELP!

    Ugly Duckling is an unknown bagseed strain. It simply was the ugliest plant ever, until flower... It exploded. I cant wait to try her.
  8. MrDank420

    3 Plants 600w week 8 flower! HELP!

    They went from solo cups to, 1 gal, to 5 gal. i started the sched in VEG in the 1 gal, when i transplanted to 5 gal i waited about 2-3 weeks to feed because of all the food in the soil. Actually no burn problems with these two plants, just the very very slight tips, which i was reading is fine.
  9. MrDank420

    3 Plants 600w week 8 flower! HELP!

    yeah they are about 3 ft if not a little taller, were vegged for 6 weeks, On the complete fox farm schedule, with fox farm ocean forrest soil. Water always PH'd. I use a 600w hps. Having humidity probelms, also temps are 75 day 60 night.
  10. MrDank420

    3 Plants 600w week 8 flower! HELP!

    yes i was flushing the plants this is not where they are, i just pulled them out so i could flush them.
  11. MrDank420

    3 Plants 600w week 8 flower! HELP!

    im surprised nobody has commented on picture number 3, my ugly duckling strain. This strain grew so FUCKED UP LOOKING its whole VEG, but surprisingly was a very strong strain, responded well to everything i threw at her, super crop, top, LST this plant is a beast. I assumed it was male its...
  12. MrDank420

    3 Plants 600w week 8 flower! HELP!

    well so far i kno you want to dry in a room with 40-50% humidy, so they dont dry too quick but also dont have mold. I assume around a week, and then for curing im assuming u put them in a glass jar and burp it once a day? Im not looking for an exact yeild but wondering if my buds are big...
  13. MrDank420

    3 Plants 600w week 8 flower! HELP!

    Hey guys as some of you know this is my first grow, Im doing soil under a 600w hps. I have one blue cheese( blue bucket) and one of my own strains i call UGLY DUCKLING or OGUD white bucket. The last plant is far behind the other two, its a bad pictures of it. Im going onto 8 weeks sice i...
  14. MrDank420

    PLEASE HELP!! My Plant is suffering!!

    im PH ing my water yet but with a die kit, couldnt afford a real meter at the time with all the start up stuff. im looking into getting one now. i try to get the water from 6.5 to 7
  15. MrDank420

    PLEASE HELP!! My Plant is suffering!!

    dannyboy ill take ur word. any suggestions on how to fix. ive already flushed a few days ago.
  16. MrDank420

    PLEASE HELP!! My Plant is suffering!!

    im using a 600w hps and its 30 inches away. hmm my thermo never goes past 80. you guys dont think its a nutrient defiency?
  17. MrDank420

    PLEASE HELP!! My Plant is suffering!!

    damn ive been out of fertilizer for 2weeks, i thought it was the lack of.... Well i might as well tell you my feeding schedule. i usually water/feed ever 4-5 days with these big buckets. out of 6 weeks ive feed them 4 times 2 tsp. of grow big/ big bloom every other watering, except for the...
  18. MrDank420

    Stupid males, what to do with these!

    they looked so good, oh well. guess they are going in the garbage.
  19. MrDank420

    PLEASE HELP!! My Plant is suffering!!

    Hey guys i first noticed this about a week ago, i thought it was getting too much light so i moved it away, 2 days later it progressed so i flused the plant is massive amounts of water but its still getting worse. i've removed the worst leaves but here are some pictures of the ones its slowly...
  20. MrDank420

    First Grow: Am i ready to flower? presex pictures....pls help!

    thanks, can sex be determined before 12/12.