3 Plants 600w week 8 flower! HELP!


Hey guys as some of you know this is my first grow, Im doing soil under a 600w hps. I have one blue cheese( blue bucket) and one of my own strains i call UGLY DUCKLING or OGUD white bucket. The last plant is far behind the other two, its a bad pictures of it. Im going onto 8 weeks sice i switch directly from 24/7 to 12/12. Do these plants look healthy? how much do you think i should expect to yeild? I flushed them today, i plan on just feeding them PH'd water from here on out. Looking for some advice!



Well-Known Member
Looking very healthy my man! Keep up the good work. Doubt anyone will want to give you an estimate of yield as there are so many factors going into it.


Active Member
mmmmm looks good mr dank! yeild im not going to touch either sry, but as Kinggreen said there are a lot of factors.

anyways keep it up and keep us updated

subbed :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Both those plants look top shelf to me. Whatever you're doing, keep doing it till they are ripe.


Active Member
lookin' good! keep her clean and flush as well as possible there's nothing more disappointing than under flushed buds!


Beautiful plants.. Have you read up on drying and curing??

well so far i kno you want to dry in a room with 40-50% humidy, so they dont dry too quick but also dont have mold. I assume around a week, and then for curing im assuming u put them in a glass jar and burp it once a day? Im not looking for an exact yeild but wondering if my buds are big enough to do a QP total.


im surprised nobody has commented on picture number 3, my ugly duckling strain. This strain grew so FUCKED UP LOOKING its whole VEG, but surprisingly was a very strong strain, responded well to everything i threw at her, super crop, top, LST this plant is a beast. I assumed it was male its whole like because of how the leafs were all webbed and messed up, but when it went in to flower as you can see the buds have HUGE long white hairs and seems like its going to produce more bud then blue cheese. IDK just a bagseed, i had to name her ugly duckling.


Well-Known Member
If you keep them looking as healthy as they are now I can see each plant giving you at least 4oz. AT LEAST!!!!

Without many specifics I would say that each plant appears to be around 3ft tall with around a 2.5ft diameter? Sound about right?

What amount of light are you using?

Most new growers strive for around 0.5g per watt of light they use. This was always my goal as a newbie.



yeah they are about 3 ft if not a little taller, were vegged for 6 weeks, On the complete fox farm schedule, with fox farm ocean forrest soil. Water always PH'd. I use a 600w hps. Having humidity probelms, also temps are 75 day 60 night.


They went from solo cups to, 1 gal, to 5 gal. i started the sched in VEG in the 1 gal, when i transplanted to 5 gal i waited about 2-3 weeks to feed because of all the food in the soil. Actually no burn problems with these two plants, just the very very slight tips, which i was reading is fine.

Sativa Dragon

Active Member
im surprised nobody has commented on picture number 3, my ugly duckling strain. This strain grew so FUCKED UP LOOKING its whole VEG, but surprisingly was a very strong strain, responded well to everything i threw at her, super crop, top, LST this plant is a beast. I assumed it was male its whole like because of how the leafs were all webbed and messed up, but when it went in to flower as you can see the buds have HUGE long white hairs and seems like its going to produce more bud then blue cheese. IDK just a bagseed, i had to name her ugly duckling.
How long have you been working on your strain Ugly Duckling?

Sativa Dragon

Active Member
It takes alot of time and effort to work on a strain, to say you have a bag seed and calling it your strain is kinda silly man, it is likely some commercial strain designed to "EXPLODE", if your a pollen chucker and you know the lineage thats cool, but you have no clue what this thing is and your calling it your strain.

Hmmm! Kinda like finding an Oak tree that looks funny and naming it and calling it yours.



It takes alot of time and effort to work on a strain, to say you have a bag seed and calling it your strain is kinda silly man, it is likely some commercial strain designed to "EXPLODE", if your a pollen chucker and you know the lineage thats cool, but you have no clue what this thing is and your calling it your strain.

Hmmm! Kinda like finding an Oak tree that looks funny and naming it and calling it yours.


Im confused, why is it even a big deal that i named an unknown strain ugly duckling? lol To me id rather name it then call it "unknown plant", this is a strain i plan to continue growing, srry if i offended you. lol