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  1. S

    Stealth Rubbermaid Growbox

    My entire intake for my grow room is passive. I was thinking of putting some fans down there but it ends up I didn't need it (checked it with a lighter to make sure the flame was bent toward the hole). Anyway for my exhaust I have some activated carbon that i got from a pet store and a fan...
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    Stealth Rubbermaid Growbox

    Tonight showed a lot of new growth...but since the camera that I was going to use has been taken for the weekend, I am going to have to wait to take some new pics. But don't worry the new ones are going to be amazing. FYI though Jane has now taken over the number one sport for strongest growth...
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    Stealth Rubbermaid Growbox

    your prob right but I got the idea from him so I thought it was respectful to give him some credit. Thanks for the input though ~stealth
  4. S

    Stealth Rubbermaid Growbox

    OK so I explained this already but here it goes again. My lights at stationary at the top of the i built some stands to move the plants closer to the lights. you can see a picture of it a couple posts back. thx everyone for checkin out the grow and for the comments. I will be updating...
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    Stealth Rubbermaid Growbox

    I thought of the same thing (after I was done building of course lol) and figured I just have to take off the small top tote that holds the utility room and also the light box. Everything come off from the top and then I can access my plants very easily from there. If I thought about the water...
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    Stealth Rubbermaid Growbox

    To the mod. out there....Can this thread be moved to another area. Since I am going to be posting my entire grow here I thought it should be moved over to the indoor growing section. Or even the CFL section if it would be better. Thanks ~stealth
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    Stealth Rubbermaid Growbox

    I got the light fixtures (for about $1.50 USD) from Home Depot. I am not sure if it was any easier then the y sockets but I wanted a set up where I could mount the lights the way they are and have them in their own box. My idea was to remove the heat created by the lights from the grow area...
  8. S

    Stealth Rubbermaid Growbox

    So now it's getting a little late but here's an update at where I'm at. Everyone's lookin good (as far as I can tell....aka input lol) but wondering when is a good time to transplant these babies. OK here's the pics.
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    Stealth Rubbermaid Growbox

    o its coming lol (writing it now) ~stealth P.S. thanks for checkin up on it
  10. S

    Stealth Rubbermaid Growbox

    This is going to catch up the grow with some pictures. These are pictures of all the girls as of 1/31/09. This is a side view of Victoria Top view of Victoria (my fav girl) This is Jane (my number two) This is Mary (she is the smallest of the girls) And lastly this is the experiment (will...
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    Stealth Rubbermaid Growbox

    You are right that you want the CFL closer rather then farther from the plant but since you need so much, heat become a factor. Considering this building a box to house the lights and remove them from the area where the plants are seemed like a great idea. I did run into the issue of having the...
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    CFL grow 4th time around (PICS) CHECK IT OUT

    looking good man. Def going to explode with that new light. All my girls have popped ground and I had some three new starters lol. Keepin on watching ~stealth
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    CFL grow 4th time around (PICS) CHECK IT OUT

    Thanks pennywise that helps out a lot. I guess I'll remove the CO2 unitl i decide to flower. Thanks again ~stealth
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    CFL grow 4th time around (PICS) CHECK IT OUT

    is inducing the co2 during the veg stage a bad thing?
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    CFL grow 4th time around (PICS) CHECK IT OUT

    why should u wait to induce co2 until flowering??
  16. S

    Stealth Rubbermaid Growbox

    I factored the light issue into the equation and built those two plant stands to get them closer to the lights. Move the plants and not the lights. With the CFL's I have been reading a lot on them and haven't found an issue about less buds and smaller. I can guess that it would be a little less...
  17. S

    AWESOME DIY Rubbermaid Stealthbox Guide.

    I can tell you that this is an awesome design because I built one. I have a thread up about it. I might move it to another area but ya its out there. Come check it out i just planted my seeds yesterday i believe. peace ~stealth:joint...
  18. S

    Stealth Rubbermaid Growbox

    UPdate: Veg stage started 1/26/09 (planted) I am excited to finally start. I woke up this morning to find of the three seeds I had germin one was perfect (all I needed with the seeds from the first batch I did) and the other two were close behind. I decided to pick the best two, plant one in...
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    Stealth Rubbermaid Growbox

    I tried the link and it worked fine for me. don't know what to tell ya. actually go to the site and manually look it up ~stealth
  20. S

    Stealth Rubbermaid Growbox

    update: Its taking longer then expected for the seeds to pop so I am waiting on that to start the grow. I am completed with the construction (hopefully) and here are some pics of the set up. this is where i'm at till now. I hope my sees are done tomorrow and I can plant. Until...