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  1. momartin31

    Help Please

    What's the easiest way to make my pictures the right size to be put on this web page.... Everytime i go to add an attachment it says that my pictures are to big... What can i do??
  2. momartin31

    My BlueWidow Cross...

    Stoked for ya jonnyB, I can not wait to see these babies show their fruit...
  3. momartin31

    My BlueWidow Cross...

    Amazing as always JonnyB
  4. momartin31

    My BlueWidow Cross...

    Hey what up jonny B. I just gotta ask, how come when i move my plants up to the 400 watt light the leaves start curling down, temps are staying around 80 with the light on. feeding with 500-600 ppm every other day. Whats the prob?
  5. momartin31

    My BlueWidow Cross...

    Fuck yeah JonnyB!! Still looking good man and i'm stoked to hear some of your new ideas for the Veg chamber... You know i'll be taking notes on that!!
  6. momartin31

    My BlueWidow Cross...

    Lookin good JonnyB, I'm still envious that your girls are growing faster than mine, so I added a dual 20 watt ballast that fits right between the single 20 watts that came with the closet... and if i can figure out how you got those CFLs in there, i'm going to copy you on that!! :hump: gigitty...
  7. momartin31

    My BlueWidow Cross...

    Damn JonnyB, always doing miracle work on these sexy babies!! I just can't see how come yours are already bigger than mine and i started mine about ten days before yours... anyways i was just doing a lot of research on LSTing, have you ever thought about trying this technique?? Or do you think...
  8. momartin31

    LST ?'s using RW

    I have purchased a Super Closet and have limited height space and my growing medium is 6x6 RW cubes using an ebb n flow hydro system, I have a 400wt HPS and i was just wondering if anyone has done this before using RW cubes or does any one have any ideas on if i should try this LST method or...
  9. momartin31

    My BlueWidow Cross...

    Hey JB, Good start man and interesting facts about the breeding mix of these two fine strains, Gotta question for ya though, I see that your sproutlings are kinda stretchy as are mine and i was wondering what is the best way to make them more stalky at this stage of growth!!
  10. momartin31

    Seedling problem, please help!

    So I just recently started 3 blueberry fems and 6 god bud seeds from BCBUDDEPOT... They germinated great and started sprouting, I put them into presoaked RW cubes that are 6" and put them under a 400 watt light... I started using dutch master nutes at about 500 PPM with a PH of 5.5-6... The...
  11. momartin31

    My BlueWidow Cross...

    Damn JonnyB! Lookin real forward to this journal! Good luck with it and i will definatly be taking notes from yet another well put together journal on growing the sweet sweet cheeba! Love it man!!
  12. momartin31

    Hermie question

    OKAY!... So i took some clones off of a mother plant who was... to say the least... On her death bed dying of nute burn and heat exhaustion... My roomy was just going to throw it away, but i decided i would try to save it... My question is with a mother in this type of shape, will she still...
  13. momartin31

    SuperCloset, Sea of Green

    Damn JonnyB! Those chica's are sexy!! Great setup, great rotation, great explantions... You the man!
  14. momartin31

    SuperCloset, Sea of Green

    So my clones have been sitting in the clone dome for 6 days now, 10 of them are still standing erect, with no signs of death like browness or leaning over... So i guess how do I know if they are rooting because there are no roots coming out of the RW yet? And do you think I should start putting...
  15. momartin31

    SuperCloset, Sea of Green

    Damn JB that shit is B E A UTIFUL!!! I actully got my clone situation figured out, so now i have like 9 or 10 clones that have been standing erect without signs of death for three days so i'm think they are going to take root.... if i put my clones into veg for a couple weeks for a little bigger...
  16. momartin31

    SuperCloset, Sea of Green

    Damn JB!! The setup is working out real nice for you and your females are sexxy as fuck man... What kind of PPM meter did you get and where did you get it from?? And how long would you suggest keeping newly rooted clones in the veggitative stage??
  17. momartin31

    Help! My mother is sick!

    Well it was probably two or three days since i saw it last, it's actually my roomies mother, but he just told me about it today so i thought i'd post a thread and see if anything could be done...??? So just take ph of about 5.2 or so and flush for a week or until it looks better or what??
  18. momartin31

    Help! My mother is sick!

    So I have a mother here who has been doing marvelous and looks nice and fat, but i woke this morning to find out this!! Any ideas on what can be done??
  19. momartin31

    Help! My mother is sick!

    So I have a mother here who has been doing marvelous and looks nice and fat, but i woke this morning to find out this!! Any ideas on what can be done??
  20. momartin31

    The super closet is on the way

    Well yeah they cracked and the tail came out of the seed, but when i put them into the RW none of them sprouted... I've grown with perlite before and i just stuck the germinated seed into the mix and up they sprouted in like 4 to 5 days, Now i waited 5 or more days and nothing so i disected...