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  1. K

    Got ripped...

    wow that is scandy there... =/ ty for sharing that never ordering from there.. sux for u though .. sigh...
  2. K

    Male or female

    true.. cant really tell man =/ maybe if u post another pic couple of days later ~
  3. K

    Germination question/problem

    yeah ive been reading a lot about keeping it on top of something warm... but again how warm will that be? 26? 27C? maybe a bit warmer? i might try that~ thankz
  4. K

    Germination question/problem

    true~ thing is that seeds arent very accessible around here ~ hmm actually they are pretty darn hard to get hehehe.. all i have to do is pray now lol ^^
  5. K

    Germination question/problem

    yeah i know that some take longer than others to pop but its been like 5 days. well I remember i saw 3 crack after the first 36 hours but they havent changed much during the past 2-3 days do they usually do this? just wondering~
  6. K

    Germination question/problem

    ill try that... I dont know about these seeds but im not getting a very good feeling about them :(
  7. K

    Germination question/problem

    oh ok .. well i havent been touching them with my hands might have to check that PH.. thank though
  8. K

    Germination question/problem

    Hello~ I have couple of questions regarding germination of the seeds. first of all ive read many grow guides.. but i was wondering does it matter if i touch the seeds to much? how much is to much? The thing is that ive been having this seeds under germination (on paper towel) you know check...
  9. K

    couple of questions

    wow thank you very much for your replies. It did clarify a lot of the things. Ill keep you posted on how it goes! thanks!
  10. K

    couple of questions

    oh thanks for the reply about the cloning.. now about the growing medium.. does it matter if i grow it in moss? and then transplant it to the DWC kit? or is it better to grow it in rockwool? ( problem is that i dont have access to it, there isnt any in this country )
  11. K

    couple of questions

    hello Im new to this and have couple of questions. I was wondering if im using the DWC method to grow my babies, in what medium should i grow them? I know i have to first grow them in rockwool for a bit and then transplant them. Problems is that i dont have rockwool and its hard to find around...