Germination question/problem


Active Member
Hello~ I have couple of questions regarding germination of the seeds.
first of all ive read many grow guides.. but i was wondering does it matter if i touch the seeds to much? how much is to much?

The thing is that ive been having this seeds under germination (on paper towel) you know check now and then.. 2 times a day see if they do any progress but the problem is that they even though one or two have craked they are not showing any sign of improvement ( growth wise) its been 4 days almost 5 im getting worried that i messed up and the seeds wont germinate

thanks in advance


Active Member
It's often a crap shoot with seeds anyway. The thing about touchung the seeds is that you could contaninate or damage the sensitive jewels. Bacteria and salts on your skin could kill the small root. As a rule tweezers are a good option for handleing seeds. Why don't you try another germination method and see what works best.
Lastly, if you have good temp. and water PH, dark enviorment, etc. then your doing all you can.

Good Luck


Active Member
oh ok .. well i havent been touching them with my hands might have to check that PH.. thank though


Well-Known Member
on paper towel? Sandwich seeds between folded paper towel slide into zip lock bag, run water into bag to get paper towel wet, zip it up, forgete about it, check in 3 days, should be good to go. 90-100% should have tap root, if you got good seeds. best of luck.


Well-Known Member
sometimes they will take longer to pop out than the others. Wait a couple days to see before you trash them. I do the thing with the paper towel and baggie. Except i sandwich them between the bag and towel and i wet the towel and sqeeze it out before i put it in the baggie. I usually have a good sucess rate the way i do it. Usually they wont all pop at the same time. So just be patient for a couple days then see. Good luck


Well-Known Member
Ultimately, before you trash a seed, consider doing something crazy and throwing it in some dirt.
Your question about touching...the rule that I have come to believe in firmly is that the first rule of growing is you don't touch the plant. The second rule of growing is You Don't Touch The Plant.
This rule can be broken, because these things are in reality, just weeds. You will, if they ever get sick, (and they will) need to poke around your plant. You are unlikely to have enough acids on your fingertips to kill genetic material through a shell casing. They want to grow. Perhaps if this seeding does fail, go out and get some SuperThrive to mix into your Paper towel cradle the next time. But mix it very, very well. like, mix it into a gallon of water, even if you're only going to use a splash.
And listen to that dog from big flint Mi...he knows of what he speaks...


Active Member
yeah i know that some take longer than others to pop but its been like 5 days. well I remember i saw 3 crack after the first 36 hours but they havent changed much during the past 2-3 days do they usually do this? just wondering~

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
I got some seeds and they been in the paper towel for 3 days I had a look but nothing still the same. If nothing happens by tomorrow i will just put them in some soil and see if nature can look after them.



Well-Known Member
Wait at least a week, maybe longer, before you give up on those seeds. What do you lose? A couple centimeters of space? VV


Active Member
true~ thing is that seeds arent very accessible around here ~ hmm actually they are pretty darn hard to get hehehe.. all i have to do is pray now lol ^^


Well-Known Member
if you really wanted to get crazy you could get some gibberellic acid. All (healthy) seeds have a GA coating. when they get wet that GA soaks into the seed and starts the growing process. sometimes people will use GA to jump start bad seeds.

here's a link if you wanna try it:
Water Soluble Gibberellic Acid Powder

it's pretty cheap but this is last resort option.


Well-Known Member
I don't know what other people have experienced, but,My germination rate went way up once I started placing my germ tray on top of my DVR. The heat acted as a wrmer and I have had MUCH better luck germinating that way.


Active Member
yeah ive been reading a lot about keeping it on top of something warm... but again how warm will that be? 26? 27C? maybe a bit warmer? i might try that~ thankz


Active Member
Before you go out and spend money, try germinating cheap ditchweed seeds or some other seeds. Once you get enough practice THEN spend some money. The folded papertowel in a zip lock bag is the method I use. I use enough water so that when you hold the papertowel is doesn't drip (um, I do this BEFORE putting the seeds in!!)


Active Member
seeds won't germinate above the lower 90 degree range. I know...I bought White Widow seeds at 280 bucks and only one germinated. Ignorance is bliss!


Active Member
I heard the best way to germ is to put the seed in a medium size Styrofoam cup or any cup.. and add 2-3 small drops of bleach to the water and drop the seed in keeping the tem constant.... the diluted water will kill any bacteria and dissolve and harmful oils that were on your fingers that may be on the seed.. I guess the small amount of bleach isn't enough to kill the seedling... I'm about to try this with some bag seeds will update