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  1. diowk

    is gh 3 part enough or do i need additional suppliments for healthy plants

    Is gh 3 part enough on its own from start to finish if you follow the directions on the bottles perfect or will I need some more suppliments to ensure strong root development and healthy plants? I also have cal/mag, should I use that too? Is there anything you would suggest for healthy roots...
  2. diowk

    SUPER quick/easy question for anyone that uses/has used GH 3 part

    heheh, thanks man. a little communication breakdown but its all good now :)
  3. diowk

    SUPER quick/easy question for anyone that uses/has used GH 3 part

    nevermind.. found everything right here laid out so beautifly. thanks anyways guys.
  4. diowk

    SUPER quick/easy question for anyone that uses/has used GH 3 part

    PLEASE stop saying "full strength". either 1tsp/gallon or 1/4tsp/gallon these are the two levels that are on the side of the bottle. My ENTIRE question is when your saying "full strength" what the hell are you talking about? 1tsp/gallon or 1/4tsp/gallon? 1/4tsp/gallon is the FULL reccomended...
  5. diowk

    SUPER quick/easy question for anyone that uses/has used GH 3 part

    still didnt answer my question bro :) "regular strength" for seedlings is not the "regular strength" for the veg process. Mix 1/4tsp/gallon in jug A? Or 1tsp/gallon in jug A?
  6. diowk

    SUPER quick/easy question for anyone that uses/has used GH 3 part

    I already know to start at 1/4 strength recmmended dosage of nutes but on the bottle it says 1/4tsp/gallon for seedlings and 1 tsp/ gallon when they are older so the seedling dosage is 1/4 strength of the full strength dosage they get later on. Does that mean you just follow the bottle exactly...
  7. diowk

    How much nutes do you guys give to your autoflowering strains?

    interesting strategy man. nothing and then everything all at once. :) You might be on to something. Id like to know how they turn out. Thanks for answering both my questions too man, I appreciate the help
  8. diowk

    how do you guys keep your rez water cool?

    you can just dump a block of ph'd ice in your rez and thats okay? I thought the huge temperature contrast around it might have some sort of effect but probably not as bad a warm water... People do that though?
  9. diowk

    how do you guys keep your rez water cool?

    Im having a really hard time keeping my rez water below 75F. How do you guys keep it cool? I saw a rez cooling system but it costs 300 and thats WAY outa my range right now. Only thing I can think to solve the problem is change the rez water when it gets hot but thats a pain in the ass...
  10. diowk

    How much nutes do you guys give to your autoflowering strains?

    PERFECT! thank you. That one pretty much cleared everything up :) Ive been reading a little TOO much on it I think. You get so many conflicting answers and then your right back where you started not knowing who to listen to. But I like the sounds of what you suggested as its very close to...
  11. diowk

    How much nutes do you guys give to your autoflowering strains?

    Okay so let me get this straight.. "1/4 strength the first week" does that mean you give them nutes immediately while they are still germinating? Or do you consider the start of week one to be when they get their first two sets of true leaves? This information will make/break the grow. How...
  12. diowk

    How much nutes do you guys give to your autoflowering strains?

    Im gonna try an auto strain because I only have about 3 months before I move and Im not too sure what the best way to feed them is. I have GH 3 part but I'm probably going to use the lucas formula. (5ml micro/10ml bloom for veg, 8ml micro/16ml bloom for flowering) I just have a few questions...
  13. diowk

    can nute burn get WORSE after 24 hours of flushing?

    wow, that sucks... guess I'm starting over...
  14. diowk

    can nute burn get WORSE after 24 hours of flushing?

    seriously, thats it? they're done? all hope is lost?
  15. diowk

    can nute burn get WORSE after 24 hours of flushing?

    *sigh*.. this doesnt sounds good..
  16. diowk

    can nute burn get WORSE after 24 hours of flushing?

    i just checked em again and the burn is definately more pronounced. How can this be? Theres no nutes in the rez at all... Just ph down and a little ph up but just a few drops and thats its. Its distilled water. My ph is always 5.5-6.1 (It seems to be climbing rapidly and I adjust it about 3...
  17. diowk

    can nute burn get WORSE after 24 hours of flushing?

    Hey guys. Just finished day 8 in the dwc system. I think I overfed them the first week and now Ive been flushing for 24 hours now and was planning on flushing them another 24-48 hours. They seem to be getting a little better but the burned tips (and a very small burn on top) arent repairing...
  18. diowk

    arent you guys worried about getting busted from posting pics of your plants?

    I have some plants that look healthy but one of them has two leaves that twisted. Its not getting any worse but it looks like its trying to tell me something and I wanted to post pics like everyone does on here but it seems risky to me.. Aren't you guys worried? Do you take any sort of...
  19. diowk

    why do you need to dump the rez after a flush instead of just adding nutes?

    thank you. that completely cleared up my confusion on the subject. good answer.