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  1. S

    what to grow for my new grow

    was wondering if anyone had any advice on a strain that is good for beginners and good as well as quality,yeild new here and about to start my second using cfls to veg and will be using hps in my flower room.want to go with feminized seeds but my head is starting to spin looking...
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    Too early to flower?

    Got a plant in question.dont know the sex yet.(please be a girl).Ill just call her a she to be safe.anyways,shes on her 5th week in veg.Shes about 9 inches tall but extremely wide and bushy with lots of pre-flower growth around the nodes(secondary growth).Also she is of bag seed .Looks like an...
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    Nutrients-soil need advice

    looked at u pics.looks u set up too.good luck and thanks 4 the rep
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    Nutrients-soil need advice

    Ya.Thats what im gonna go with the ff trio.You said you use cfls u flower with them as well or switch to hid?
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    Nutrients-soil need advice

    Thanks for reply.Think ill do that.Was looking at fox farm trio .Whatever i use for nutes ill start with 1/4.This is just experimental first grow.Only have 2 plants and dont know their sex yet,(hopefully 1 or both female)but anyhow they doing better than i expected with the cheap soil and cfls.
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    Nutrients-soil need advice

    Hello.I have 2 plants (first grow) in soil.Im at 5 weeks in veg using cfls and so far so good.Plants look great.My soil is cheap shit i picked up at walmart called expert gardener potting soil.Says on the bag"feeds up to 9 months"The total nitrogen content on the bag says .07%.My question is if...
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    Welcome New Members!

    Hello .Skunkinbud here.Just wanted to introduce myself .Life long toker but new to the grow scene.Hoping to get a little support and help with my first.Got some questions if anyone there.:peace: