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  1. caffeinated.chris

    First time grower (CFL) / new to RIU

    I'm going to go take pics of the mag def. I need documentation to show you guys to see what you think
  2. caffeinated.chris

    First time grower (CFL) / new to RIU

    The Good news is she is finally... well... a she. haha. First 2 pistils popped out =) =D She filled out quite a bit and is stretching very close to the lights haha. But I have her tied down and am keeping the temp at the top of the canopy at a safe 75 - 79F with lights on. So I'm pleased with...
  3. caffeinated.chris

    First time grower (CFL) / new to RIU

    Could be better. I'm not sure but I think the MG soil still attached might still be affecting the plant. I'm feeding it with calmag and she is still showing signs of mag def =(
  4. caffeinated.chris

    First time grower (CFL) / new to RIU

    Well Welcome =) Are you planning a project?
  5. caffeinated.chris

    First time grower (CFL) / new to RIU

    UPDATE!!! Hello fellow RIUsers! Finally some new pics! =) So I decided to tie her down and pull her branches towards the corners to fill in the gaps and get that surface area ;). Also I switched her to 12/12 a few days ago. Swapped out the 5k bulbs for the warmer ones. (2.7k if my memory...
  6. caffeinated.chris

    Have A Plant Problem? Check Here First

    Ditto. Ever since they redid RIU its been happening everywhere. This is an old thread so the pics are expired need to be uploaded again
  7. caffeinated.chris

    First time grower (CFL) / new to RIU

    I did not. I remember reading that way back when you said to but I transplanted and forgot the lime =( I will for sure remember that next time. I do have some cal mag. the new growth is looking good. Thanks so much for your help! I appreciate you so much
  8. caffeinated.chris


    Holy cow! these things are huge! keep it up MD!! =D And thanks for all your help! <3
  9. caffeinated.chris

    First time grower (CFL) / new to RIU

    Yikes! I need to fix asap then! Does that look like a possible N def to you though?
  10. caffeinated.chris

    First time grower (CFL) / new to RIU

    holy cow 18 gal?!? Damn you must have some rooooom! Hahah lucky! I only plan to veg for another couple inches. I chose this strain because of its genetic very small stature. Im curious as to how much more she will grow once I switch to 12/12 though.. I'm thinking if the buds get too close to...
  11. caffeinated.chris

    First time grower (CFL) / new to RIU

    So how many times do you transplant? And personally I cant go any larger or it wont fit inside the closet. This current pot of roughly 2-3 gal is .5" from either side. =( Thats why I was hoping it could be a quick Nute def fix
  12. caffeinated.chris

    First time grower (CFL) / new to RIU

    No way, do you think it needs another transplant?? Its only had a couple weeks and the roots have probably finally spread to actually start soaking nutes from the rest of the soil. Theres no way its out already! I thought grown plants only undergo 2 to 3 transplants at max..?
  13. caffeinated.chris

    First time grower (CFL) / new to RIU

    No, I only did the one transplant out of the MG and into the organic soil. I am still using the basic NSR nutes. After more research, the yellowing leaves seems to be a Nitrogen def. What do you think?
  14. caffeinated.chris

    First time grower (CFL) / new to RIU

    Yea it is! I wasnt sure if it was from a few roots that may have been chopped during transplant or what but I have at least 4 of them towards the bottom that appeared.. haha Cooky little things haha
  15. caffeinated.chris

    First time grower (CFL) / new to RIU

    UPDATE!! Ok, so as stated in the above post, this is what I saw when I returned from an 11 day out-of-state vaca. I made a veg nute mix (NSR veg) of about 80% power (.8oz/gal) for my GF to feed while I was away. This is what I came home to. As I'm sure you could guess, my excitement went...
  16. caffeinated.chris

    First time grower (CFL) / new to RIU

    UPDATE!! So, I went on vaca out of state for a little over a week. I (nervously) made some basic nute/water mix for my GF to feed when needed for me while I was away. I noticed a few things. First of all it had a growth spurt and looks to be muchhhh taller than when I left her =D. The...
  17. caffeinated.chris

    First time grower (CFL) / new to RIU

    Thanks for the info! Face the fan out of the closet you're saying?
  18. caffeinated.chris

    First time grower (CFL) / new to RIU

    oh my gosh, RIU was down way too long! So the roots during the transplant looked nice and white, I may have accidentally cut a few along the edges, but I was trying to get as much soil out as possible because that MG soil was murderrrrr. I spaced out pretty far from the plant and probably only...
  19. caffeinated.chris

    First Grow - Big Bang and Some Northern Lights

    Honestly from what I've read, newborns are very resilient to disease and pests. They def got hurt but I do believe they can bounce back. Growth is def stunted but they are still green and trying. Starting a new seed may be best but who knows, by the time they germinate these two may catch up and...
  20. caffeinated.chris


    Ooooo they look good! Is that a magnesium deficiency on the critical kushs?