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  1. KingKush22


    [IMwwrollitup.orG]http://wg/members/KingKush22[/IMG] hopefully this uploads my pic or i'm stumped but it's in my album if all else fails .... i can't figure out how to upload a pic in my post / thread
  2. KingKush22

    powdery mildew

    can't upload on post or threads cause i don't know how . i have them on my album though any help would be greatly appreciated , whats url and how to make my pics smaller file or ?
  3. KingKush22

    powdery mildew

    i don't understand why my pics don't upload under post/threads , how ever i was able to get them in my album for some reason . i \'m not good with computers but everytime i try to upload it says enter your url// , i have no idea how or what url is otherwise my pics would be there instead of my...
  4. KingKush22

    Attitude seeds suck!!!

    :hug::hug::hug: my order came in one week across country loved em the attitude seed bank is great !!!
  5. KingKush22

    Attitude seeds suck!!!

    i ordered from them and all was great , ordered stealth to ensure that i received my package for insurance reasons and ordered a good variety all were good but had bad % with seeds from green house color coated , everybody's else worked great... maybe you should give them time to respond not...
  6. KingKush22

    White Spots.... Idk What To Do Or Whats Causing Them

    sounds likes thrips there a bug that feeds on the sap of the plant causing silver streaks or little patches on the top of leaves , they are found underneath the leaves the larva is a whitish/ yellowish worm like , adults have hairy wings and can live in soil as well . use azamax gh2007 its an...
  7. KingKush22

    powdery mildew

  8. KingKush22

    trying to add pics

    i'm trying to add pics to post/ threads and i can't figure it out . it says enter your url to add image , i believe the image would be my pics . i was able to add pics to album but not to my post / thread , as i'm new to this can anyone help me ? thanks
  9. KingKush22

    powery mildew

    i got the pics on my album but could'nt figure out how to send in my message
  10. KingKush22

    powery mildew

    every time try to upload my pics it denies me , security code or contact admin what am i doing wrong
  11. KingKush22

    powery mildew

    no heres some pics
  12. KingKush22

    powery mildew

    i'm in week 5 of flower and my biggest yielder has been harshly attacked by powdery mildew what can do to save her if possible ? i was'nt running my dehumidifier trying to cut down on electric but now cost me more n the long run what can i do , i will be posting pics later this eve ...:wall:
  13. KingKush22

    Is this Powdery Mildew?

    yes it looks like powdery mildew at the beginning stages plus maybe thrips a silver look on leaves , check underneath with a pocket-micro scope for larva or adults ...if your humidity level is 55 or under u shouldn't have this problem i have just suffered from powdery mildew now because i...
  14. KingKush22

    powdery mildew

    i'm in week 5 of flower and my biggest yielder as gotton attacked by powdery mildew what can i do to save her ? i wasn't running my dehumidifier and know i'm in trouble the rest has not been effected yet do i throw away or how can i save her she is a monster my biggest out of all .:wall:
  15. KingKush22

    whats up sure , it's d310southbay from utube , hey i have one plant that is in week 5 of flower...

    whats up sure , it's d310southbay from utube , hey i have one plant that is in week 5 of flower and is suffering from powdery mildew i wasn't running my dehumidifier and know my biggest yielder is fucked up is there anything i can do to save her . u can see it all over her mainly the leaves but...
  16. KingKush22


    i'm growing two indica medical strains OG , BUBBA Kush . i'm using two 4' t-5's for vegg and 1000 hps to flower . i have alot of stretch between nodes , why ? what height should i take my cuttings out of the vegg room ? thanks blaze it !!!
  17. KingKush22


    i'm growing two medical strains OG , BUBBA kush . i'm using two 4' t-5's for vegg and two 1000 watt hps to flower . why so much stretch between nuggs ? what height should i take cuttings out of the vegg room and place in flower i hear people duing at 8-10 inches , will they still reach max...
  18. KingKush22

    Tap water of a PH 8!

    just add until u get 6.8 if your in soil ang between 5.5-6.5 if ur doing hydro .