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  1. good ol boy

    Help with curing am I doing it right?

    I hang it to dry in a room w a dehumidifier for bout ten days at 55% on the humidifier then i do the jar thing. But i only keep them halfway full. Just my way though. It worked well
  2. good ol boy

    sexing my outdoorplant help

    Another one
  3. good ol boy

    sexing my outdoorplant help

    Another view
  4. good ol boy

    sexing my outdoorplant help

    And i did lose one to the rains as well
  5. good ol boy

    sexing my outdoorplant help

    Yeah weather def a factor. Rained like a month straight. I think the hrs are 13 day 11 night right now so i hope soon lol. Just afraid bc of frost this fall and obviously its outside
  6. good ol boy

    sexing my outdoorplant help

    Ty again. This time last year i had full colas just nervous. But not my first rodeo
  7. good ol boy

    sexing my outdoorplant help

    Ty was kinda afraid of that. I cansee what looks like a calyx on 5 th node but i guess im just antsy. Plants extremely healthy
  8. good ol boy

    sexing my outdoorplant help

    Trying to verify the sex