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  1. D

    Female Flowers

    are these female?
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    Male Or Female???

    wat if it has both
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    Male Or Female???

    are you sure
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    Male Or Female???

    my camera wont focus that close up it has hairs coming out off the bud area
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    Male Or Female???

    the dates wrong it was really halloween
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    Male Or Female???

    Is it a Male or Female?
  7. D

    First time grow

    do you grow from clone or seed
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    First time grow

    its about 13"
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    First time grow

    5 CFLs three 27watt red spec, two 27watt sunlight spec. it will be two moths old the ninth of Nov. yes ive started flowering on sunday. sound good or not so good
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    First time grow

    What do ya think
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    Lets argue or agree

    New sucject: The NWO is real and we need to do sumthing about it. or do you disagree
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    id really like some input
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    does FIM work well?
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    to 12/12 or not to 12/12

    likey it needs to be completly dark NO LIGHT WHAT SO EVER. And Bract you mean like a 30 hour day i would think it would confuse the plant maybe not it sounds good but idk try it if you want id really like to know if it work sounds like a pretty good idea.
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    to 12/12 or not to 12/12

    and if your gonna change the cycle do it gradually like it would do in the wild.
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    to 12/12 or not to 12/12

    ive had better results with 18/6 than 24 i think i mimics the sun better but thats just my opinon but logic tells me i have to be somewhat right.
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    Do you like?

    so you like mob rule? democracy always fails
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    Do you like?

    Do you like democracy?
  19. D

    Lets argue or agree

    i dissagree, being patriotic doesnt mean stand up for your government it means keeping it in check when it breaks the law, and current drug laws are in direct violation of the constitution
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    to 12/12 or not to 12/12

    aslong as you sont interupt it thenit should do fine. might wanna do 6/18 for the last two weeks or sumthin i heard that might help it mature faster