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  1. J

    first grow Blue Mystic

    DAY 14 tap water with ph of 5.8
  2. J

    first grow Blue Mystic

    i was goin to use jack classic but was reading i cant use it with hydro system so it there a recommendtion on some good nute thanks.
  3. J

    first grow Blue Mystic

    Thanks, for the love. I got 7 gallon cooler from walmart outside my grow room with two half inch hole drill at the bottom and the water still after work goin to go get some soultion so my meter can read right, so I can give my baby some nute. Burn one
  4. J

    first grow Blue Mystic

    I dont noe what is but i got some foam cover 4" rockwool sitting on top off some hydroton and i goin to use Jack Flower and Boom
  5. J

    first grow Blue Mystic

    well this is my first post and my first grow. Already had three die on me already but this one seen to be doing well, was going to do dwc but water temp. was to hot so i decide to do ebb n flow system hope all goes well. two week....just put my baby under 400 mh light