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  1. J

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    I don't really need "help", just looking for an opinion more or less. I'm still definitely a noob, almost finished my first cfl grow and I probably wont get more than 1/4 ounce off of my single plant because I fucked up bad and killed all the others... but anyway... Once I get another grow...
  2. J

    Harley Davidson style bike? Or.. Croctch Rocket style bike? Which one would u want?

    I'd definitely be going for a crotch rocket, but that's just me.
  3. J

    damn i NEED HELP DRUG TEST IN 5 hours

    afaik the cotton swab is only good for up to 3 days in the past (for weed) ie: if you smoked more than 3 days ago and tested, you'd show up clean. dunno how it is on the other stuff, but most of them get out of your body pretty quickly. weed is really the only one id worry about, so just wash...
  4. J

    so i just saw a ufo...

    I believe it. Lots of weird shit happens out there :p A long time ago I was looking thru a telescope at a constellation (dont remember which one), and I saw a ball of light travel from one star to another. It only took a second or two, but I know I saw it. I certainly believe we're not alone in...
  5. J

    Who here smokes there weed mixed with tabacco?

    Depends what/who I'm smoking with. I never put tobacco in my bowls, pure weed there. But for a joint (with multiple people) it's nice to beef it up with a little tobacco just to help it burn better/last longer. Maybe it's just me, but when I smoke a cigar (don't smoke cigs, just cigars every now...
  6. J

    Ever wondered why music sounds better stoned?

    Thanks for the great read bro :)
  7. J

    Most Memorable Place You've Toked

    Went on a cruise to the Bahamas recently, on the ride back I got to talking with a bunch of people on the rear deck of the ship. Eventually once we figured out that we were all cool with it, we all started passing around bowls, joints, an apple pipe (lol) and drinking beer till the early...
  8. J

    what do girls think of loners?

    My overall experience has been this: If you don't talk to them, they won't talk to you.
  9. J

    First Time You Ever Toked?

    First time I smoked was when I was maybe 15 or 16, don't remember exactly. Was at a friends birthday party and some other friends there had some weed and wanted to smoke it. So they used a soda can and we smoked a couple bowls full. Didn't feel a damn thing that whole night, other than being...
  10. J

    What Kind Of Pothead Are You?

    I suppose I'm a pretty "productive" stoner. I always clean my room or do some other odd job I was too lazy to do sober :p
  11. J

    Your Stoner Lingo

    weed, green, bud, tree, smoke... pretty generic terms for weed. Same with smoking... re'up, burn a jay, get baked, etc.
  12. J

    Would you quit smoking weed for the love of your life?

    I was once with a girl that wanted me to stop smoking for her, which wasn't a big deal since I didn't (and don't) smoke very often. The problem came when several months later I caught her smoking and drinking and shit behind my back and lying to me about it. Mary Jane won't lie to you.
  13. J

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey guys, I've been lurking around here for several weeks but not really posting, so I don't know if you'd consider me new or not. Anyway, I've got a few questions (that I'd like to keep private for obvious reasons), so if someone that really knows their shit would like to throw me a PM and take...
  14. J

    How to beat a breathalyzer?

    They tested pretty much all of the commonly known ideas on Mythbusters, and none of them work. There's really no way to beat the breathalyser. And if you werent doing something you shouldn't be (drinking and driving), there would be no need to beat it in the first place ;)
  15. J

    First grow, what do you think?

    Actually, he did ;)