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  1. seaniken

    light and airy buds??

    Thats definitely understandable. They may not have been finished. I have 3 more growing and I WILL NOT pull them early. Any tips on the final stages? What's this I hear about molasses? Is it just regular store bought molasses? How is it fed?
  2. seaniken

    light and airy buds??

    i disagree. Only because of the CFL journals Ive seen on this site and some of the incredible buds they have produced. If they can grow great buds with CFL's shouldnt I be able to do the same? Do any CFL growers wanna chime in on what this could possibly be?
  3. seaniken

    light and airy buds??

    Someone please help!!!
  4. seaniken


    The trichomes are what contains the THC. It's by these that you can tell when your plant is ready to harvest. It's what makes the plant look "icy". Some people say that when 75% of the hairs turn amber then youre ready to harvest but they have nothing to do with the potency. The trichs do...
  5. seaniken

    light and airy buds??

    hmmm... I guess that could be. Im growing with CFL's but I have 3 plants right now with 15 - 46w bulbs. So light shouldnt affect it right? Im growing in store bought soil but currently Im feeding it Green Light Super Bloom once every 10 days or so. Two teaspoons per gallon. The plants are...
  6. seaniken

    light and airy buds??

    I have harvested, and dried one of my plants (a little early but trichs were cloudy). Why are they SO light? All the bud I have bought in the past is usually somewhat dense-very dense. Could it be because I harvested somewhat early? It still delivers a nice high but I wish they were more...
  7. seaniken

    My First Grow with CFL's Only

    I pulled my plants and trashed them. Probably unneccessarily but I did what I did. Now my conscience is clear.
  8. seaniken

    My First Grow with CFL's Only

    The seeds I got are from a friend of a friend who grows his own. But I dont really have any contact with this guy so he hasnt told me what strain it is. The buds are really beginning to fatten up. Today is 29 days flowering and they are looking and SMELLING great! One of the plants is real...
  9. seaniken

    My First Grow with CFL's Only

    anyone know where I can get a 30x magnifier besides online?
  10. seaniken

    My First Grow with CFL's Only

    OK but it 100x too much power? Is there any local place I could go? Like a Big Box store or something? How does my grow look so far?
  11. seaniken

    My First Grow with CFL's Only

    Here are a few more photo's (camera phone) of the buds. Looks like they are beginning to thicken up quite a bit and they are gettin pretty frosty. Im beginning to think I may have 2 different strains here because one of them is frosty and very mature looking (9 finger leaves) and the others...
  12. seaniken

    My CFL Grow with Pics, 1.5 weeks into flowering

    It looks healthy enough... but definitely needs some lights around it.
  13. seaniken

    6 26 watt cfls good enough???

    Im doing a grow right now with 4 plants using only CFL's. Im about 20 days or so into flower and everything is goin great! Im using more than 6 lights though... I have been vegging with 12-100w (equivalent) CFL's and now am adding 5 more. The more the better. CFL's dont penetrate through the...
  14. seaniken

    My First Grow with CFL's Only

    Here's a few more pics... with a slightly better camera. I need to get ahold of a better one but these will do for now.
  15. seaniken

    My First Grow with CFL's Only

    I guess this is a forum so I can document my grow SOLELY for myself. Thanks for nothin... Anyways... For whoever decides to read this, here are some more pics. I've began feeding them Green Light's SUPER BLOOM. It seems to be working great. All the plants (even the burnt one) are looking...
  16. seaniken

    First Grow CFL Shed

    I'd say most definitely. But see if anyone backs me up... :-? Also, how hot is your grow room?
  17. seaniken

    First Grow CFL Shed

    Im not sure how much longer you have til harvest... and obviously Im not expert. But I had a plant that looked exactly like that (droopy leaves, severely burned, etc...) I fed it Green Light's Super Bloom. I think it's like 12-55-6. They perked right up and all the new growth looks amazing...
  18. seaniken

    My First Grow with CFL's Only

    What the hell does a guy have to do to get some replies?! Im getting a little scared that my buds are way too small. They are only 19 days in flower and I think they look good... just small. Check out my most recent photos. Let me know dammit!! :peace:
  19. seaniken

    My First Grow with CFL's Only

    Replies? Suggestions? Anyone? Anything? Throw me a bone here....
  20. seaniken

    My First Grow with CFL's Only

    Little photo update so you can se the progress of the flowering period. We are about 15 days into flower and everything seems to be going pretty well. They are growing really really fast right now. I started flowering when the biggest was about 18 inches. Now it's about 28 inches. The buds...