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  1. R

    Newbie UK grower first ever grow

    do you think just one feed aday at this stage then J? as all im worried about is them not getting enough fluid and going droopy.
  2. R

    Newbie UK grower first ever grow

    my thermometer is at the top of the canopy, i will move it down in a mo and get a reading at soil level and let you know. ive just moved my drippers 2cm's from the edge of the pots and they also stick out of the soil about 20mm? i only done that as it looked like that in the pics of the...
  3. R

    Newbie UK grower first ever grow

    Plants are 3 weeks old today since germination, and ive had them in the grow tent since late friday night. i will be lowering the light a couple of inches a day so they get use to the high strength of the lamp. im still suffering from heat, but it is still really hot here, even though im...
  4. R

    Newbie UK grower first ever grow

    i read the labels on the nute bottles and mixed the amounts that they directed for the amount of water the tanks hold which was 70l each, and the nutes were 40ml of part a and part b to each 10l i will buy myself one of them as that will give me true readings. cheers again sir.
  5. R

    Newbie UK grower first ever grow

    ive got a ph meter but not an EC meter, what does that do J?
  6. R

    4 plants from seed experiment

    growing this stuff is so addictive, i love it as im learning so many new things each day. the buzz i get when i check on my little babies and how much they have grown amazes me everyday.
  7. R

    Newbie UK grower first ever grow

    cheers boys for the info, you were right the temp did creep up alittle after a few hours, im just connecting my cold outdoor air inlet up ready for a test tomos, i will also test it with 2 lights as ive bought another 600w lamp today. the tent is pretty cramp in there to be honest but i was just...
  8. R

    Newbie UK grower first ever grow

    ive just had the system on test for an hour and the temp is running 86 degrees f and 52% humidity, is that ok for 2 week old plants?
  9. R

    Newbie UK grower first ever grow

    cheers sir, i need all the help i can. the extraction fan is at the top, and i have a inlet one in the bottom left hand corner. i was wondering if my light will be man enough so i may buy another to when they get a little bigger. cheers on the info of the water temp as i wasnt sure on that one.
  10. R

    Newbie UK grower first ever grow

    Hello all, the first thing i must say is what an excellent web site this is. It has already given me so much information that i feel confident to grow my own. here's a brief description of my set up. Budda XL grow tent 600 watt hps light 1x 4" tt100 fan and carbon filter and roof tile...