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  1. S

    fish smell will it be ok

    Here's the story 2 seedlings were put into a tub-like plastic container DWC system Air Pump: Dunno exactly the strength, but its for a 10 gal aquarium (my tub is pretty small only 2L of water in it) Growing Media: colored aquarium rocks The nutes: 1/2 strength of seedling stage recommendations...
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    Question for advanced growers

    Both are important, but co2 will be fine as long as you have air circulation in grow room, keep air moving so the air around the leafs don't get stagnant. Colder temps allow more oxygen retention in water and less disease, as long as you don't let the water temp get higher than 65-70 should be...
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    The end of carbon filters...?

    I don't know much about IAQ, but yeah, carbon filter is surely good enough since everyone is using it. to the OP: I guess there are no problems regarding MJ smell for those who know what they are doing. Maybe instead you can help those who don't and make a thread explaining how to make sure...
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    The end of carbon filters...?

    To put it simply for those who can't understand english The OP asked if anyone with growing experience knows about problems regarding IAQ then let him know so he (the expert on IAQ) can choose a product. Not so we can choose a product for him... Seriously... people are only flaming him...
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    Running hydro/DWC whats the most I can ???

    You could try flowering 2 plants earlier to get less per plant but more total yield, but i'm a beginner also, so wait for more replies
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    World Of Hempy

    Ok I see thank you for the numbers clarifies it for me. I'm going to do as you said I guess i just need to wait for the roots to grow
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    LST using CFL lights

    yeah i got 4 daylight and 4 2700k (but i only using 1 atm the seedling is small, its actually been having problems growing hence why i bought these) but i only have 4 sockets so i guess it's fine 4x 23 close enough to 100W. I have no reflectors other than white walls (but the room is big) so...
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    LST using CFL lights

    So, today I just bought a 23W Daylight 5000k CFL for my seedling. I come and check 30 minutes after, it completely ignored my old light (i don't know what it is but it was sold to as being good for growing veggies) and it's leaves are now almost solely aiming at the CFL (the stem also kinda...
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    See How The Government Is Spending Our Money

    I doubt it... do you see anyone making their own alcohol? Maybe there would be a small hype after it gets legalized, but after a generation passes things will revert and weed will be so cheap most people won't bother growing it. conspiracy theory: the govt just banned weed because it cures...
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    World Of Hempy

    From what I've been reading, wicking system work for watering when people are away for a long time(like 1 or more week), but i don't have a good medium for it (like vermiculite/perlite/lavarock). So even if the bottom roots touch the solution once the plant grows, I'll need whicks to moisten the...
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    World Of Hempy

    The bucket has nothing but nutrient solution in it, the pot has only aquarium rocks. I've cut a hole in the closing cap of the bucket and the pot is resting completely in it.
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    World Of Hempy

    I see, yeah the rocks are way heavy. I was trying to not keep the wicks too rolled up lol, I guess it makes sense to have a bigger diameter. I will try to setup the wick system again and maybe with socks instead... I will do a few tests in a cup to see what is the best material I've got. I'm...
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    World Of Hempy

    Ok, First time grower here. I have about a 10" bucket with a 6" pot sitting in the cap of bucket. The media is aquarium rocks they won't wick well like media made for hydro so i made 4 wicks from an old t-shirt. I have 4 wicks going from bottom of bucket to top of pot through the drainage...
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    Is a wicking system good enough for cannabis?

    Thanks, yeah I've been reading on that. Only i don't have any growing media. I'm using aquarium rocks atm and they won't wick on their own(i think?)
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    some roots sitting in reservoir is there enough air?

    Wow, i never though it would work, I will read up on this and add a few wicks with it really good help guys !
  16. S

    Is a wicking system good enough for cannabis?

    Allright, I'm a very lazy first grower and I don't want too much equipment and wick seems like best passive grow. Currently I got from a friend: 400w HPS and 1 weaker grow bulb for seedling/early veg. I will turn on the HPS when the plant is a bit bigger in veg. I know I can get better light...
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    Newbie Grow, Pine Needles Pine Cones Ph Down help

    Allright it seems the PH wasn't the problem. I just transplanted today because I had no idea why it wasn't growing past 5 inches (still only the first real leaves visible, and they are tiny) When transplanting i realised, NO roots were able to escape the sponge the seeds started in (kinda like...
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    some roots sitting in reservoir is there enough air?

    Allright thanks everyone! Yeah I'm going to buy supplies for a good DWC system since it seems to be the less maintenance one.
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    some roots sitting in reservoir is there enough air?

    In hydro, if i cut a hole in my reservoir cap and put the pot in and let the roots grow from the drainage holes into the nutrient solution (but only the bottom roots would be touching the nutrient solution) My question is: Would the roots in reservoir rot without air stones? (only an inch or...
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    lst'd plant growing sloooooooow!

    I think he meant to say it was a typo he planted on Oct 8th not Nov 8th i guess