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  1. kblaze

    seed question...

    please will people offer me some more advice
  2. kblaze

    seed question...

    wad up yall ive been gone for a while i got my internet shut off:wall:..... around week 6.5 of flowering an i croped my plantes a couple weeks ago ill post picks....but my question is im ready for a new frow and i got some solid seeds from a good friend an he said that two of the seeds are lemon...
  3. kblaze

    Which strain should I decide to grow if I want something thats a "one hitta quitta"?

    does bc seeds ship to the us....i would lov to get my hands on some of that purple elahpant....:weed:
  4. kblaze

    first harvest! 1 white rhino

    damn bro yer buds look narly...uve been givein me tips on my bud so hopefully itll be nice as yers!!!.....+rep :weed:
  5. kblaze

    Which strain should I decide to grow if I want something thats a "one hitta quitta"? ak47 grown well will have a strong cherry another guy on this website had been growin it so well that allhis shit always tasted like cherry so he had started calling it "cherry...
  6. kblaze

    Which strain should I decide to grow if I want something thats a "one hitta quitta"?

    cherry ak-47...i saw i guy growing on this website that had it was delicous..:joint::hug:
  7. kblaze

    wtf is wrong with my plant????

    see thats the thing its only the top leaves by the light all the rest of the leaves are nice an i mived the light up the temps have dropped an poped another fan in there but the leaves are staying that way on the top....will they stay like that?
  8. kblaze

    UPDATE 34 days....w/pics!

    lol i didnt even see that there form a nites a server at a 4 star resturant....
  9. kblaze

    wtf is wrong with my plant????

    does any1 else have any adivce to offer besides one person...?
  10. kblaze

    UPDATE 34 days....w/pics!

    what ladies are 34 days into flowering starting from 12/12...tell me what u the way its my first grow.... the pics kinda suck ill post better ones on the next update...:bigjoint:
  11. kblaze

    wtf is wrong with my plant????

    ive got two fans an there im only at 34 days flowering i dont really wanna quit nutein an givin molasases already....
  12. kblaze

    wtf is wrong with my plant????

    i thin kthat i have heat stress on my plant but im not sure so could any1 let me know whats up......
  13. kblaze

    Growing in an apartment?

    i grow my babies in my closet inmy room and ive had maintiance come threw times again an im they said u goota jus turn yer shit off an prepare in advance an u'll b str8... JUS BLAZE!!!!!.......:bigjoint:
  14. kblaze

    Problems With The Ole Lady

    my girls nags at me about growing the shit but when it comes time to harvest she's all about it,,,its our girls job to bitch at us about somtin.....first we had our moms an they kept us outta trouble we moved out...then got our girls now they bitch at us an keep us outta trouble....:bigjoint:
  15. kblaze

    31 days flowering...transplant?

    how would i go about that without seperating them...?
  16. kblaze

    31 days flowering...transplant?

    im a t 31 days flowering and i think my plants are battling for space in there bucket,,,i know yer not suppose to put two in one but is it to late to transplant?
  17. kblaze

    molasses question.....

    how often should i water with the molasses....or should i say how often can i water with the molasses?
  18. kblaze

    7 Weeks Flowering, 150w HPS, Trichs and Bud Porn Pics

    damn dude i give u props that looks dank as heel an people are givin me shit for usin a 250...:blsmoke:
  19. kblaze

    4 weeks flowering update....w/pics

    would u warm the water up to put the molasses in i usally have room temp water when i feed and water...
  20. kblaze

    4 weeks flowering update....w/pics

    and what would be the corecct amount of molasses to use....?