wtf is wrong with my plant????


Active Member
start flushing and get a fan man fresh air is your friend really it helps dont matter how big just enough for your grow space donnt wanna blow it over tho. sorry man i beeenbongsmiliethis morning.


Active Member
ive got two fans an there im only at 34 days flowering i dont really wanna quit nutein an givin molasases already....


Well-Known Member
take my advice for what you will but i dont like the fact that no ones helping you out so i will tell u what i would do in that situation. Id flush, nothing but water for 3 days or so then give them a batch of 1/2 strength of whatever u gave them last time to look like this. then hopefully your about a week or 2 behind in your nutrient schedule and you can keep progressing from there


Active Member
see thats the thing its only the top leaves by the light all the rest of the leaves are nice an i mived the light up the temps have dropped an poped another fan in there but the leaves are staying that way on the top....will they stay like that?