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  1. TopProspect

    Very low humidity, please help

    Hey everyone, I have super low humidity in the room where I'm growing (16%-20%) and I hear this can pose a problem. Would getting a cheap humidifier from Wal-mart bring up my humidity to an ideal number? Or are there any other cheap options to bring it up enough? thanks.
  2. TopProspect

    Noob question

    alright cool, thanks for the feedback guys
  3. TopProspect

    Noob question

    This could be a really stupid question but I'm going to ask it anyways. When I water my plants I always water it around the base of the plant and cover the soil but today when I was watering it I was wondering if I have been doing it wrong. Should I be using a watering pot so it covers the...
  4. TopProspect

    please help me save my plant from death.

    I'm not sure what you can use around the house but you can get this kit for cheap
  5. TopProspect

    please help me save my plant from death.

    PH of the water should be 6.3-7
  6. TopProspect

    Should I grow seeds found in brought deals, or go to a seed bank?

    If you're a gambling man just go with the bag seeds, odds are you'll have at least 1 female. But odds don't always go your way. I did 2 bag seeds my first time and got 2 males, but that's not to say you couldn't wind up with 2 girls. If you don't mind taking the risk go with the bag seeds...
  7. TopProspect

    Need some advice

    Yeah, the other day couple lights got to close to the BC and I didn't notice right away. Problem should be fixed but just another thing wrong with the BC that isn't with the WW.
  8. TopProspect

    Need some advice

    Hey everyone, I'm on my 2nd grow (1st were both males :() and I'm still very inexperienced. I'm currently growing 2 plants (both females) under 497 watts of CFLs, divided as evenly as I could over both of them . The plants were switched to 12/12 15 days ago. I'm using 42w, 26w and 23w bulbs at...
  9. TopProspect

    Help determining sex please

    Aw fuck well that sucks, haha. At least I got some experience and will be better set up for next time. Thanks for the replies. I just went to store at 20 mins away from my place and picked up some fem seeds. (Blue Cheese and White Widow) Now at least I know I'm having girls.
  10. TopProspect

    Help determining sex please

    aw, shitty. Well I appreciate the feedback, any idea on the other?
  11. TopProspect

    Help determining sex please

    Hey everyone, this is my first grow so everything is a first for me. 7 Days ago I switched my 2 plants to 12/12, I was wondering if they are showing signs of their sex yet or if I still have to wait longer to see. Being my first grow I am just using bag seed so I don't know what I'm gonna get. I...
  12. TopProspect

    RollingDope's LA Confidential Bagseed CFL Grow

    When you switched to 12/12 and you swapped your lights out, what did you replace the 4x 26w CFLs with? (First time grower trying to figure things out)