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  1. Growdict

    Club 315w lec

    I went the other way. 19 per light
  2. Growdict

    Gnat Flies...Damn Gnat Flies

    mosquito dunks,
  3. Growdict

    Obama's people are starting to leak.

    this is widely known information. Preserving intelligence and evidence that implicates the supreme...
  4. Growdict

    Potency, Yield, TIme & GPW

    I am a newbie but do alot of reading and videos. Check out rhizoblast and hydroguard. Or real growers recharge. Grow beneficial micros instead of killing bad ones with h2o2 Monocropping is probably better for yield but boring imo. 10 weeks with only one type of weed to smoke too
  5. Growdict

    The COB club

    So. Each tent had 14 gallons of promix and produced 14 oz of bud? There is your limiting factor.
  6. Growdict

    Yooo wtf if I was doing lst and do it too hard on the plant and split the main cola in half

    Tape it up. Gotta let it be for 7 days before taking tape off
  7. Growdict

    GroErr Grows...

    Hey groerr. Whats the most you have pulled on a 315 run? I have been doing 8-10oz typically but this current 12/12 sog is incredible. This is 19 of blueripper x whitewidow. I think over a pound total. Maybe even a ounce each. Boggling
  8. Growdict

    Club 315w lec

    mmg, what is your total watts, exhaust cfm and cu ft?
  9. Growdict

    Club 315w lec

    but people run 2x1000w hps in 4x8 all the time. so, depends on your ventilation. you could always get the air cooled hoods and then you have the option.
  10. Growdict

    CMH Blue Dream Indoor Grow - Advice/Criticism

    you are doing great. the plant is showing some stress, but is overall not bad. Everyone grows differently, but i think you should clean up the bottom trim. not more than 10% every few days. bear in mind that at 24 days , soon your plant is going to stop stretching and growing new leaves and...
  11. Growdict

    Club 315w lec

    that all depends on your ventilation. unless you are running co2 i wouldnt
  12. Growdict

    Club 315w lec

    i think in a 4x8 you would be better off with 2x630, just looking at how the reflector throws down the light. In a 6x6 better with 4x315
  13. Growdict

    Rape? That does not fit our agenda lets just ignore it.

    A rape every 6.2 minutes. Wow, I guess Fox will be only a Rape News Network from now on. I mean if they arent just pushing a point that immigrant=bad and trump=good. I wonder how their ratings will suffer with only reporting rapes for the next few years. 85,000 rapes thats a lot to get...
  14. Growdict

    Club 315w lec

    i have both, some cree3590s and a ss philips 315. both are great lights. I would recommend either. i dont see a difference in thc levels, but havent had a test done.
  15. Growdict

    Witch fan to get?

    it is just a general guideline. either will work just fine. if you have a hotter light you are using, like a 400-600w hps, go with the higher one. if using less than 400w of cob led, smaller one will be fine, IMO
  16. Growdict

    Witch fan to get?

    Also a 170 will work
  17. Growdict

    Witch fan to get?

  18. Growdict

    Why do you oppose universal, single-payer healthcare?

    and yet the statistics dont agree with you. Dont let fact shade your corporate fed beliefs. hold tight to your ingnorance
  19. Growdict

    Why do you oppose universal, single-payer healthcare?

    American slips and breaks an ankle, goes to hospital, maxes out credit cards to pay for xrays, casts etc. sues the city and local businesses to make up for shortfall. total cost including lawyers fees $25k Canadian slips and break an ankle - has a cool story and cast the next day at work.