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  1. Rube Goldberg


    0.4 is a little low. What was the EC prior to nutes? I typically feed young plants at 0.8 and matures 1.2. This is based on a DWC type setup, so the increased oxygen levels (DO) are typically higher then other systems, which allows me to feed lighter. Do you have a nute feed chart? that's...
  2. Rube Goldberg

    Ppm, tds? Wtf?

    A TDS meter is really just an electrical conductivity (EC) meter that has a built-in conversion factor that displays the output in parts per million (ppm) of total dissolved solids (TDS). EC is displayed in µS/cm (but not always) The trouble is that the relationship between the conductivity...
  3. Rube Goldberg

    Leaves folding upward along the length

    Agreed with everyone, they look good. I've seen this happen on some of my outdoor as well.
  4. Rube Goldberg

    Is this water safe for RDWC? Water quality results!!!

    Do you mean 350ppm? or EC? Either way, that is almost perfect "starting" water in my books., just the right amount of hardness. I know that DNF nutes uses 300ppm base in all its feed charts. Looks like you got great H2o my friend!
  5. Rube Goldberg

    Is this water safe for RDWC? Water quality results!!!

    My guess is this would be a by-product of the disinfection process, much like Trihalomethanes (THMs)
  6. Rube Goldberg

    Help! I have pics of the problem. Need advice to stop it.

    To be quite honest, I wouldn't even waste my time with 3%, it's garbage IMHO you would need a vast amount of it to get the desired effect. Get the 35% or 50% if you can get it. Trust me and ask any old timer in here, get the good stuff. How are the roots looking? Are they brown or slimey? Root...
  7. Rube Goldberg

    Is this water safe for RDWC? Water quality results!!!

    Those results are definitely just typical tap water. Totally safe for consumption or any hydro. Everything is in ppb (parts per billion) or ugl, with the only exception being the nitrates expressed as ppm or mg/L. Looks good to me (and I also work in the water industry). These are just the...
  8. Rube Goldberg

    Help! I have pics of the problem. Need advice to stop it.

    Do you have down "slime" on your roots? It could be the algae. How did you "de-algaefy? Algae can be tricky to get rid of! Trust me! In the past when I have had problems, I cleaned everything with 35% H202 (can't source the 50%) and bleach. Then soak the roots in H202 and cut away and bad, real...
  9. Rube Goldberg

    help with ph fluxuation in my resi

    Whats your TDS from the tap? Are you using RO? Your "fluctuations" may be due to the buffering capacity of the water. Buffering capacity is the ability of a solution to resist changes in pH. Obviously, pH that is too low (under 5) might result in micronutrient toxicities and damage to the...
  10. Rube Goldberg

    whats a good ro filter?

    Do you have a pressure gauge? You can get one pretty cheap at HD or the local hardware store. The just "screw" on. I would assume that you would have at least 35psi. Typically the city pressure will be 50psi+ Another place to look for RO systems is Kijiji or any classifieds. People get rid of...