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  1. D

    Narrow Closet 1000 watt help!

    hey, dont wanna spoil ya fun but i think ull find ure self buying smaller lights 2x 250w would be good i could link you to a calculater that works out watts per sq foot etc and 2x 1000w would bleach them imho,and the heat would be bad u need to take into acount the ambient temps of room ...
  2. D

    hey ho eventually

    glad to be here eventually. just started a journal too, will sort links out etc later
  3. D

    arjans no2

    nice one take a pew ill put ketle on. got any pics im new on here still learning my way around
  4. D

    arjans no2

    hey peeps startin halfway thru second week of flower in 10l pots biobizz compo with tad or clay balls n pertile fed bio grow and bloom also took some cuts from both plants to keep best as a mum 1 of which just rooted :mrgreen: anyway ill update soon got some work to do firstbongsmilie
  5. D

    hey ho eventually

    yo peeps been member for a while but life got turn upside down shortly after joining not to fear alls sorted and damm good now :blsmoke:
  6. D

    Hey peeps

    thnx peeps for the welcome , glad to be hear
  7. D

    Hey peeps

    :joint: hey all dirty dank her like my bud that way and my music great site here hope to contribute what i can and learn alot too :weed: