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  1. U

    There 6 right now but they seem compact. When is a node considered a node? If it just once u can...

    There 6 right now but they seem compact. When is a node considered a node? If it just once u can see the leaves strating to come out, then im on my 9th node. I just dont want them to get to big once i flower. I have a custom grow box; im a cabinet maker by trade so size isnt a huge issue but im...
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    good point bro. If you want ill keep you updated. Saturday will be 4 weeks and im thinking about...

    good point bro. If you want ill keep you updated. Saturday will be 4 weeks and im thinking about maybe starting to flower so ill try to get some pics.
  3. U

    So you dont think is will probably continue to get worse over the next few days? When i run the...

    So you dont think is will probably continue to get worse over the next few days? When i run the water thru them, should i expect them to get real droopy or wither? Im just a newb and i know ppl flush there plants but i just ge tkind of nervous thinking watering them that much. By the way bro I...
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    The browning is not real bad; just on the tip top of the tips; but this is also the 1st im...

    The browning is not real bad; just on the tip top of the tips; but this is also the 1st im noticig of it so i guess it can get significantly worse in the next few days?
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    Well like i say, initally the yellowing on the older leaves was the problem i was having so i...

    Well like i say, initally the yellowing on the older leaves was the problem i was having so i added the urine mix to counteract it. That was saturday morning; I looked at the plants today (monday- 6:00) and noticed some of the middle leaves are browning on the tips but is seems like the...
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    it seems like the urine mix stopped the yellowing because i clipped the real yellow and wilting...

    it seems like the urine mix stopped the yellowing because i clipped the real yellow and wilting ones and my bigger fan leaves that strated yellowing seem like they stopped since the yellowing only stayed on the leaves where it was from the start. So you recommend i flsuh it? The plant is not...
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    Hey man sorry to bother you again but my plants seem to need some attending to. I just noticed...

    Hey man sorry to bother you again but my plants seem to need some attending to. I just noticed today when looking at my plants that some of the tips on my leafs are turning brown. Now as you know, i had the yellowing leaves so i added the urine dillution to the plants like 2 days ago. Do you...
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    nute help during flowering

    I have this bag of bloom nutes for orchids. It contains 11-35-15 NPK rating. Do you think this would be helpful during the flowering stage and if so when and how much nutes do i use? I only ask this because i always here about using 1/4 strength of nutes at first so i was curious as to your input.
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    fertilizer help for a newbie

    I posted a thread yesterday about my 2 plants under 8 26 watt 6500K cfls beginning to turn yellow on the lower leaves. A forum memeber , lampshade i think his name was, tried to help me. I came to the conclusion that its either a N deficiency or a K deficiency and I have some Schultz 10-15-10...
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    yellowing of leaves

    How much should i be watering my plants at this stage? (There on the 8th set of leaves from the first single bladed leaves) Would that be considered like the 7th node?
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    yellowing of leaves

    I can use any green leaves off any plants that dont have pesticides to make the tea? And do i just use cold water?
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    yellowing of leaves

    They arent brown or crispy at all by any means so i think i can rule out nute burn. The lower leaves that are yellow are kind of droopy but the 3 bladed fan leave that is starting to show signs of yellowing is fine. It just loks likes it losing its color, not burning.
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    yellowing of leaves

    I believe your theory of adding nitrogen. I will give it a try tomorrow but are there going to be any adverse effects on the plants if i do this and it turns out it wasnt a nitrogen deficency?
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    yellowing of leaves

    I put an attachment of a pic i found. I know this is indicative of over watering but this i what my lower leaves are looking like without the droopiness of the leaves as pictured.
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    yellowing of leaves

    From what i looked up seems like maybe a N deficency. What can i add to increase the Nitrogen? If i get pics tomorrow i will send them to you. Once agains, thanks.
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    yellowing of leaves

    No nutes. Figured i didnt need them til flowering since my soil had fertilizer mixed in, though in very small doses. N-P-K 0.07%-0.01%-0.03%
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    yellowing of leaves

    Sorry i dont have any pics right now. I was watering them like every 3 days or wehn the soil was crusty and dry a couple inches down. I guess it would make sense they would need more water as the get bigger. It can also be lack of light i guess, there are alot of bigger leaves dwarfing the lower...
  18. U

    yellowing of leaves

    The rounded leaves already yellowed and died so i cut them. The second set of leaves (single blade) are yellowing but i dont see any brown spots. Then my 3rd set of leaves (three blades) are beginning to yellow at the tip as well. The plants are about 5 inches tall but seem to be growing very...
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    yellowing of leaves

    Hello all and thanks in advance for any help you guys can contribute. Im on my first grow but ive done my research and everything seems to be doing pretty good. I got 2 femenized snow white seeds that are 3 weeks old each under 4 26 watt cfl 6500K. (8 cfls in total). I just noticed today that my...
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    soil help for a newbie

    Yes your right they are the same company but the fertilizer percentages are differnnt in the scotts potting soil and MG potting soil. Scotts contain .07-.01-.03 while MG potting soil contains .21-.07-.14. So as you can see, the scotts soil contains far lower percentages than the MG mix.