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  1. J

    White widow stealth grow

    Roommates and GF's for the most part. Also I don't even burn much just for fun
  2. J

    White widow stealth grow

    Here's my nutrients btw, Forgot to send yesterday... Today was the first day giving 3/4 TSP of bloom
  3. J

    White widow stealth grow

    Forgot to mention, the smaller plant on the left is very sturdy and can hold itself well. Needless to say it's a bit behind and even growing very retarded and unporportional, but still happy I suppose! Haha leaves are green and sparkly as ever
  4. J

    White widow stealth grow

    Haha thanks for the tunes! The reason it so damn "flimsy" I guess we will say is that in the first week of growth it was REALLY pulling upwards, can't do anything about the LED light because the mounting hardware is at the top of the box and is in the best spot recommended for my set up...
  5. J

    White widow stealth grow

  6. J

    White widow stealth grow

    Here's an update pic on the plants. The tall one is still so damn fragile I have a mini red solo cup sliced down the middle with a circle on the bottom flipped over, to support the plant.. I'm telling you if I take the cup out it falls right the fuck over. I have no choice.. I can't imagine LST...
  7. J

    White widow stealth grow

    Why do I feel like you switched to 12/12 WAYYYYYYY to early, like weeks early? The plant has barely even grown by week 3 of veg
  8. J

    White widow stealth grow

    When do you think can I expect my plant to really start taking off? There's noticeable growth every day ofc, a new set of leaves every other day probably.. But what is the biggest weeks as far as growth goes? I germinated and planted the seeds on the 1st of this month. So I'm 22 days in! :)
  9. J

    White widow stealth grow

    Going to look up some good lst methods now on YouTube, yours seems good but my plant is tall and lengthy I don't think that it would work in the same way.. Possibly tho
  10. J

    White widow stealth grow

    Hey what's defoliating exactly? I've read the term a few times of course I can google it and find the answer but it's better to hear it in regular text from someone like you. Also.. Yeah I have pH up and pH down that I've been using with a dropper. Seems to work pretty well and I have the...
  11. J

    White widow stealth grow

    Okay, so I should basically get the first string, tie it around a half in from the very bottom of the stem, pull it lets say towards the door or the box, so that it's almost flat down to the lid of the rez. Tie a second string maybe an inch from the top of the plant, and pull it in the opposite...
  12. J

    White widow stealth grow

    I'm looking forward to tie training with some fishing line or something, but the taller plant is WAYYY to fragile at this moment, I'll have to wait another week maybe two. It can barely stand on its own believe it or not, especially because I have no clay pebbles or no other medium in there...
  13. J

    White widow stealth grow

    Yeah looks like you got it all put together look sweet. I'll definitely have to try the tray of ice cubes or frozen jug. I have absolutely no idea what my Rez water temps are... I'll have to find out this weekend. Maybe if it's above 80 I'll just top off with some cold water each morning and...
  14. J

    White widow stealth grow

    Lmao damn.. I guess my Rez temps are going to stay just how they are. Honestly that's a big hassle for me I'm doing this very very strictly on the side in a small space in my closet. I barely even have time to clean the Rez and re-feed. Let's let the plants grow in normal temps like they were...
  15. J

    White widow stealth grow

    How can I keep my Rez water temps down? I don't have a thermometer in there maybe I should take a look at that haha, never have
  16. J

    White widow stealth grow

    Thanks for all the help.. Tomorrow I'll wrap the lid with reflective tape. When I get home I'll take a picture of the nutes I have, they came with the grow box I bought, they seem to be the bare minimum the plants need and the company says it's all I need proved and tested, with a nutrient...
  17. J

    White widow stealth grow

    Here's what I'm working with man. Honestly I think that temp is reading high. But the lights have been on for a while and I'm sure when they are off it will drop to 78-79 either way. So I think I'm straight. Air stone is a pretty good size is blows OOOOOssss
  18. J

    White widow stealth grow

    Yeah bro I'm not using it, I just one clicked it on amazon as I read your reply. Seems pretty convincing haha. You think wrapping my reservoir lid with aluminum foil would give some nice light blockage and of course a bit of reflection? Opposed to the green lid that's on there now? Also.. Should...
  19. J

    White widow stealth grow

    Hey I have just about the same grow box as you, maybe pop into my thread.. I was just curious about the importance of adding hydro guard to the reservoir. Everything is going good looking really green smelling great, roots just seem a bit lagging behind maybe a tad slimy. Is the quart of hydro...
  20. J

    My plant is looking deformed...

    Anyone that sees this feel free to comment, should I order some hydroguard? Seems to pop up in 9/10 threads I read about root health. Amazon has it for 24.99 I'm about to one-click it