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  1. T

    Just moved to Newcastle, UK

    I got a fantastic new job in Newcastle which made the move a bit of a no brainer for me really (I managed to double my money, a huge payrise by anyones standards). I've lived a few places in Glasgow, my GF is born and bred in the area. Initially we lived in the west end which was nice, then...
  2. T

    Hello everyone

    Hi all, Just signed up here yesterday, loving the place already, everyone seems really helpful and nice. Just moved to a new area (Newcastle, UK) and have absolutely no contacts closer than 200 miles away, so I'm now seriously considering growing my own. From what I see here it doesn't look...
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    i dont want to brag but...

    I have a 360 Elite, it rocks! Guitar Hero games are the way forward when you are baked. :joint:
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    Just moved to Newcastle, UK

    I moved here from Glasgow :) Really love Scotland.
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    Just moved to Newcastle, UK

    Thanks for the help guys, I do appreciate it. I also don't want to annoy any mods this early in my RIU career!! I think I'll just hang around a while and see what happens :)
  6. T

    Best video game to play while baked

    Guiter Hero >> All! If anyone fancies some PFO's on expert let me know :bigjoint:
  7. T

    Just moved to Newcastle, UK

    Eek, Soapbar /spit. Always avoid like the plague. I hope you are right about the UK Peeps. 3 hours driving each way for a smoke is killing me.
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    Just moved to Newcastle, UK

    Sorry, I didn't realise that. I will edit the OP now somewhat. Are you able to send me a text or email on the above address with the persons details? Or maybe tell me how to enable PM's so we can do it that way? I can post my phone niumber briefly and take it down if that's of any use.
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    Just moved to Newcastle, UK

    Struggling to find the option to do that mate :P My MSN is, are you able to add me?
  10. T

    Just moved to Newcastle, UK

    Hi all, I've just moved to this area and currently have to drive almost 200 miles every time I want a smoke. I don't suppose anyone here is from this area and fancies meeting up at all? Cheers, James.