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  1. mugen167

    first ever grow

    sweet hope their is some females in the bunch!!!ha ha ha im gonna start my closet project soon to!!!
  2. mugen167

    first ever grow

    dam looks good what day are they on???
  3. mugen167

    first grow help please

    its a grow light i picked up from lowes for $25 it says it puts out 80w of light its a tube light florescent light
  4. mugen167

    first grow help please

    anybody??? should i move the light closer??
  5. mugen167

    first grow help please

    this is my first grow attempt and im doing it in my aprt. closet cause i dont have that much space well here goes some pics they are at day 4 and they seem to be getting really tall.....then some i seen on here this is my setup in my closet