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  1. Laika

    Tube Leaves... AH! Help!

    I assumed it was overfeeding so I flushed it last night, most of the leaves are still the same but it looks like a few of the might come back around
  2. Laika

    Tube Leaves... AH! Help!

    wll the plant seems to be doing alot better this moring all perky and ish, however I was wondering If the tube growth the has occured with go away or do I just have to wait for the new generation of leaves
  3. Laika

    plants croaking anyone HELP?

    serious, thats out there
  4. Laika

    Tube Leaves... AH! Help!

    hey whats goin on, Iam about 2and1/2 weeks into flowering, using water with about a 6.5-7.0ph in soil, foxfarm tiger bloom nutes, and Iam having this problem with the fuggin "tube" like leaves. I concludcized that the problem may be Nuet Lock so i flushed before the light went off tonight and...
  5. Laika

    Cfl Proximity To Foliage

    Iam so burnt I have those clamp-ons in my attic:-| thanks alot man im gonna get to that
  6. Laika

    Cfl Proximity To Foliage

    thanks a lot man I check that out ps where do you get your fixtures Ive been using these stupid desk lamps...
  7. Laika

    Cfl Proximity To Foliage

    yeah thats the wattage of the actual cfls(although some ahole on amazon tried to sell me 75 replacements as 75 watts), i think its a 60 something watt cause it is a 300 watt replacment. and Iam a week and a half into flowring and the kelvin rage of the bulbs is around 2500-3500
  8. Laika

    Cfl Proximity To Foliage

    I have 3 CFL bulbs from the top 2 30 or so and 1 64, my grow space is about 1.5 square feet with 3 plants, I feel because it is in such a small enclosed place that the mylar does the job for me. but Iam still thinks of putting 2 24watt 36" tube florescence on each side
  9. Laika

    Cfl Proximity To Foliage

    I cant provide a 360 degree CFL lighting but I have created a enclosed grow space and lined all of the wall with reflective mylar, this seems to have a very positive effect but is it the same?
  10. Laika

    help a brotha out

    thank you very much
  11. Laika

    help a brotha out

    for sure ill keep an eye on it
  12. Laika

    help a brotha out

    organic soil with perlite, water PH around 7, I was feeding every water with a 20-12-12 solution, but now I have cut back to only feeding every other watering, and Ive been spraying 2 a day with arrowhead sparkling water (no sodium) for CO2
  13. Laika

    help a brotha out

    sory, the new growth is coming in deformed, sort of hooked. and will not fan out, the side leaves are almost hiding underneath the main
  14. Laika

    help a brotha out

    I have been struggling with this for the past few days, I think its over-fert so I flushed her(LA Confidential) this morning but I just want to be sure