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  1. M

    Coming Soon!! Seeing thru Walls!!

    cool tech! to bad they would need a warrant to use this thing. Plus, if you're paranoid, finding one of these objects plastered to your exterior wall would be quite easy to find. Most likely the only way to go undetected would require you to have some sort of sonar/wave deflective material...
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    leaves cupping

    how close are your plants to the light? it could be that the radiant heat from the lights are burning your plants, plus it looks like you may be over watering/feeding. if the lower leaves look ok and aren't cupping up, try moving the light a bit higher.
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    Ventilation Question. Pahlease Help =)

    that sounds like it would work in keeping the temps at around 4-8 degrees above the other ambient temps. the only thing to remember is that if the inline fan is rated higher than the filter, than it will cause the filter to not do it's job correctly. you should go with the Goblin just to be...
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    Grow Tent in Attic, Need Help? +Rep for answers!

    Checkout ProMix BX from Premier Horticulture. It's a soiless mix. you'll just need to add (50%) perlite and dolomite to the mix. It already has these in it, but the moss really holds on to the moisture, and add dolomite since you will most likely have cal/mag issues sometime in your grow. As for...
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    Grow Tent in Attic, Need Help? +Rep for answers!

    you could do a lot with that space! :) I would say you could go with any ballast that fits your budget. CAP (magnetic) Extreme ballast (link from previous post) are currently the cheapest i could find. Bulbs: great price on hortilux bulbs. and...
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    Grow Tent in Attic, Need Help? +Rep for answers!

    The Good Doc has a few good words of advice. The main concern is that your probably wanting to grow in your attic. what is the ambient temp during the day and at night? Based on budget, you may only be able to do this during the fall/winter/spring. basically 1 or 2 grows. You can find good deals...
  7. M

    Light distance

    I'd say were in the same boat. when i bought by 400w HPS and vented hood, it was hot! you could cook an egg on it. once I hooked it up to a 600CFM fan, it is cool to the touch. I would assume it is about 2-4 degrees above the external ambient temp outside of the grow room. Even with a filter...
  8. M

    Female-male ratio

    I agree. 50/50. Bag seed, you never know.. it could end up being 33/33/33 (female/male/hermi) that means you have a 33% chance that each seed could be a female. but not a guarantee.
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    When to start nutrients

    check at the end of week 2 and 3. the plants have their own nutrients from the seed. Don't forget to use Tiger and Big Bloom. These will be used along with Grow big all the way into flower.
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    Another on Fungus Gnats

    I'd treat the soil before you water next. there maybe eggs in the soil still. I had the same problem, dried out the soil a bit, then treated the surface of the soil, then watered. you can treat it again after watering if you want to make sure any gnats larvae that hatch in the top soil also die.
  11. M

    Is it normal to pay over 30$ for shipping?

    probably for 1 plant. it's almost enough to fill a 3 gallon pot. It depends on how big you want them to grow too. Plus if driving long distances to stock up on grow medium is a factor, buying large quantities will save time and delay in the future. Do you have a local gardening center or...
  12. M

    Is it normal to pay over 30$ for shipping?

    that seems to be about average, depending on where you live. Nutes seem to be expensive when it comes to shipping. not sure why. the 3 pack is only 3-4 lbs and should actually be around $10-$25 depending on location. the soil will also add to the cost. I have also seen people charge $45.00 to...
  13. M

    Question on Smell

    just build or buy an air filter. Small ones are easy to build. build a room that fits in your closet to seal in the air that needs to be filtered. even just 1 plant can get smelly, it just depends on a lot of factors (agitating can make it smell, size, strain, etc...). If your on a budget get...
  14. M

    Do tents have heat problems?

    I'd say you may need to modify your tent. I have a GL80 and i had to add several 6" flanges (GL doesn't make these, you have to buy those for other tents). this required thinking through equipment, future additions, etc... since you have to cut new holes. I had heat issues when using 4" ducting...
  15. M

    Do tents have heat problems?

    So your growing in your basement and will be venting the heat into the basement? Depending on several factors, you're basically going to be creating your own homemade HID heater. You need to push the air out to some other room(s) and allow fresh cool air to be pulled into the basement. as long...
  16. M

    Help cooling tent

    you're temps sound fine.
  17. M

    Advice on lighting

    that should be fine for the first few weeks of Veg and keep the CFL's close. Depending on your room size and ventilation, you should look into getting a larger light for flowering (400-600w). As the plants get bigger, you will need more light to hit the undergrowth as you raise the light.
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    older leaves turning yellow, brown, curling UPWARD

    it sounds like nute burn. since your using MG for your soil, you probably should wait to use any nutes. I ran into the same problem with pre fertilized soils. they should do fine with just water. for 3-4 weeks once they break the soil if you are using MG. Also what is your ph?
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    Magnesium Problem?

    sorry, here I've added them
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    Magnesium Problem?

    Plant info: soilless mix, ph ~ 6.8-7, 36 days into flower. I thing i'm having a Magnesium Problem and i just wanted to double check. I haven't had any problems other than over feeding the plant with nutrients, and have backed off of them for the last 2 weeks. they were doing fine until the...