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  1. TexasMonster

    Obamacare is Dead - Long Live Healthcare!

    You gotta give Stupak credit for sticking to his guns on the whole "no fed funding for abortions" situation. Thank God for men like that. I hate to say it, and I hope you are right, but they are going to get there votes today. They have something up their sleeve, I just dont know what that is.
  2. TexasMonster

    Obamacare is Dead - Long Live Healthcare!

    I try to lurk as much as possible here and gain yall knowledge (which I certainly do appreciate) but this is a eggciting subject. Please keep in mind that we are only arguing politics and I mean you no ill will nor do I think of you in an ill manner just because I fall on the Right side of the...
  3. TexasMonster

    Obamacare is Dead - Long Live Healthcare!

    I am afraid Obama is going to take us down this Socialized road. Look for Constitutional challanges. If they pass ObamaCare they will not stop there. We all agree that there are real issues with our current healthcare system as it relates to cost, barring that, we have the best healthcare in the...
  4. TexasMonster


    Howdy. :joint: