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  1. S

    help brownipe leaves

    bubleponics ph 5.8-6.1 400w hps foxfarm tiger bloom 1245ppm room temp around mid 70s can some please point me in the right direction with whats going on with my lower sets of leaves. All the lower leaves have brouwn tips and curl downward.I am in the 4 week of flowering.I will try and post a...
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    need help first time shroom grow this is the site i ordered from
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    need help first time shroom grow

    i try to keep the temps at about 80 i have them floating in a 10g fishtank in a rubermaid tub with a heater in the water. I have a towel over it but the sides dont get cover so some light probly gets in. And i did mix in verm 2 parts verm to 1 part BRF. I try to check them evry few days but its...
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    need help first time shroom grow

    Ok so first off i got a b+ syringe online and did everything with the mayson jars with brown rice. I just put it in a blender to make my own BRF . The jars are over a month old now and the two i have are only half cononised and dont seem to be growing anymore. I also got some pre steralized...
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    ? on lowrider

    ok so i just herd about these lowrider strains and am verry intested. I dont think you could ceep a mother going could you? So that just leaves you with producing your own seeds. if anyone could point me in the right direction it would be of great help, thnaks
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    cola Cloning?

    Is it worth atemting this or just leave it on the plant? I thought it might be cool to do with some of my small cola that arnt verry dence. Ive been growing on and off for 3-4 years and almost a year ago i got some w/w and got a nice mother and have been cloning crazzy ever sence lol. i def...
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    cola Cloning?

    ok so a friend of mine brought over a guy from down soulth that was giving me some advice on my crop. he was telling me u can take a cola at like 3 weeks flowering, clone it, trim all the leaves off and just grow a ball of bud. Has anyone ever herd of this befor or ever tried it? i would love to...
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    brown spots

    ok so i flushed and waterd again after 3 days and now one of my plannts fan leaves are all starting with brown spots then turing yellow and dying. the others arnt as bad but still def alot of new spots . someone please help this has been such a succesfull grow till now.
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    brown spots

    ok i flushed all my plants so i really hope this fixes the problem i also relised i messed up mt timmer for my lights so they got 24 lights sor like 2 days would that have casued this problem?
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    brown spots

    my water ph is around 7 maybe a little higher then lower, im feeding them with miricalgrow bloom at half streanth once a week. im afraid of increasing cuz i burnt the hell out of my other plants. im also using superthrive wich is somekind of hormone addative. ive been using it all along at the...
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    brown spots

    my little laddys were doin fine for 2 months now they are 3 weeks flowering with brown spots appering on the veins of my leaves. I dont think its bugs so i need some direction. im gorwin w/w clones under 6 cfl in miricalgrow soil. temp stays around 70s humdidty is 47%
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    yellowing edges on clones

    Yes I Def Agree To Get Them Out Of Miraclegro But I Dont Think That Is The Problem The Mother Is In It And Is Doing Fine And I Have Had A Few Other Grows Of The Same W/w Strain With It Without This Problem.miriclegro Is Just Convient For Me.
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    yellowing edges on clones

    Ok im freakin out cuz some of my litle babbie girls are startin to yellow at the eges then curl up and start to shrival. I have pics below. Thies litle girls are clones and have been veging for about 2 weeks. I am using 26w cfls in a custum built hood. I have 6 runing curently.I am growing in...
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    Slow Bud Growth

    im using 42w cfls for flowering and im getting pretty good results, keeps the electric bill down to. u want to get the 2700k ones, thats the one with the yellow light, the daylight is 6500k which is used for veg. From the looks u might want to consider veging a litle longer for the next grow.
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    Plant under attack!!!

    ya im growing in miricle grow soil, i was prety sure it was bugs, any idea what kind? I already have a bottle of the spray safer stuffand i spraed it the other night. Dose that stuff kill eggs to or do i have to spray evry week?
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    Plant under attack!!!

    Im vegging white widow under 6 40w cfls in miricle grow soil and on 2 of my plants the edges os the leaves are yellowing then browning. i dont what to do with them. Im thinking maybe bugs? can anyone help i have acoue lof pics of the leaves
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    I was looking at some lights on ebay for leds if anyone can take a look and tell me what u think. 900 LED Grow Light panels R/B FULL growing lights 4 Pk. - (eBay item 290144361987 end time Aug-25-07 22:30:00 PDT)
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    Thanxs, what would u recomend for a 3x3 grow area?
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    Thanks for the advise,Im debating on buying ethier the t-5, the CFL, or just staying with what i got. I want to be able to have a constant cycle with one side of the room in veg and the other in flowering. My goal is to harvest about evry month. Is thier a significant difrence in the t-5 vs the...
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    Ok im trying to deside what lighting to use in a three stage setup, i already have a 400w hps and a crap load of florecent 2ft lights i got at walmart. And i have 2, 4ft florreccent lights.My closet is about 7x4. The 400w hps get the room hot enogh already so i dont want to add another. So i was...