brown spots


Active Member
my little laddys were doin fine for 2 months now they are 3 weeks flowering with brown spots appering on the veins of my leaves. I dont think its bugs so i need some direction.
im gorwin w/w clones under 6 cfl in miricalgrow soil. temp stays around 70s humdidty is 47%


Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
What is the PH of the water?
What nutes are you feeding at what interval and what is the PPM?

Looks like a deficiency of some sort... perhaps the early stages of Phosphorus deficiency???? Check out this from the Grow Faqs to see if you can pinpoint it:


Active Member
my water ph is around 7 maybe a little higher then lower, im feeding them with miricalgrow bloom at half streanth once a week. im afraid of increasing cuz i burnt the hell out of my other plants. im also using superthrive wich is somekind of hormone addative. ive been using it all along at the same streanth and its only been in the last two weeks that ive noticed leaves dying off. Should i add more ferts? or try and pinpoint the defincy and add that? I just caint seem to pinoint it.

Florida Girl

Well-Known Member
Well I'm doing Hydro so I'm not familiar with soil but all the experts here say NO MIRACLE GRO SOIL! So... since you have Miracle Gro soil (which has food in it already) AND you've been adding nutes... perhaps it's not a deficiency... but rather TOO MUCH of something.

Perhaps you should try FLUSHING the plants with 2 or 3 times the bucket size plain water. Then give them a good 3 or 4 day rest with no water or nutes. Plants take a few days to show signs they are healing. With the next watering resume with the nutes... but start at 1/4 strength ... and work your way up from there. I also believe since you are not doing full strength you might be able to feed them nutes every other watering.... but I'm not certain. Hopefully someone else will come along and either confirm or deny my advice.... and if I'm wrong ... give you better advice.

I was fighting my own battles in the hydro system.... but I think I have it under control now and my babies are recovering so I know how frustrating it is to NOT KNOW what the problem is. It's all about learning for us noobs.

Good luck


Active Member
ok i flushed all my plants so i really hope this fixes the problem i also relised i messed up mt timmer for my lights so they got 24 lights sor like 2 days would that have casued this problem?


Active Member
ok so i flushed and waterd again after 3 days and now one of my plannts fan leaves are all starting with brown spots then turing yellow and dying. the others arnt as bad but still def alot of new spots . someone please help this has been such a succesfull grow till now.