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  1. carlosamigo

    Help my babies don't look so good

    Are you serious? I never heard of turning the AG of, I don't see anything on the sponges (BTW the new AG doesn't come with sponges, it comes with sort of a compacted mix of hey and soil) so is the cause of the mold .. the sponges? regarding the color, I think its only in the picture, they are...
  2. carlosamigo

    Help my babies don't look so good

    Hello there.. It has been five weeks from planting, Don't they look small for their age? Should I change anything, lighting? ventilation? I have my AG on tomatoes & pepper setting which is 16 hours on 8 off and my additional lighting, I kept on 24/7 along with a pump & airstone I add one...
  3. carlosamigo

    Help my babies don't look so good

    Hello guys.. my plants seem to have developed some spots on some of the leaves... Should I be worried? I don't think it's a nute burn.. or is it? Please advise
  4. carlosamigo

    Help my babies don't look so good

    Hello there, I think I'm doing OK, I have my AG on tomatoes & pepper setting which is 16 hours on 8 off and my additional lighting, I kept on 24/7 should I change that? your advise is very welcome I will also be adding an air pump and stone.
  5. carlosamigo

    Help my babies don't look so good

    Thanx NinjaOZDuce for your input. I think your right, the back row definitely gets better "something" because they are growing much faster. I will update in a couple of days with pics. Cheers
  6. carlosamigo

    Help my babies don't look so good

    I need some advise on this.. I tried moving the front plants to the back of the AG(for some reason the plants in the back are twice as big and growing twice as fast), but one of them can't be moved because its roots are tangled with the roots of another plant. is this normal? what should I do?:wall:
  7. carlosamigo

    Help my babies don't look so good

    Why would that happen? Why would the back row grow bigger? I thought its because my front row is White widow, and the back row is Heidi's pussy..
  8. carlosamigo

    Help my babies don't look so good

    Hello everybody.. It has been 16 days since planting, I think I had the burn because of lack of nutes, because four days age I added half a packet of nutes, and now they seem to be doing better than before (you can see the difference between this pics in post an the and the ones in the beginning...
  9. carlosamigo

    Help my babies don't look so good

    I think your right, I just added 3/4 of the liquid nutes sachet that came with the AG. Thanx guys, I will update this thread. I tasted this strain in Geneva its an indica sativa called: "heidi's pussy" by Swiss intruder and it was UNBELIEVABLE.. I did so much to get these seeds back home...
  10. carlosamigo

    Help my babies don't look so good

    I didn't use the nutes yet..
  11. carlosamigo

    Help my babies don't look so good

    I germinated with a paper towel, then planted ten days ago, changed the water (bottled water) three days ago, but my plants seem to develop some sort of a burn… I didn't add nutes yet.. but my AG came with this new liquid nutrients Please help me save my babies
  12. carlosamigo

    Help my babies don't look so good

    :o:oI germinated with a paper towel, then planted ten days ago, changed the water (bottled water) three days ago, but my plants seem to develop some sort of a burn… I didn't add nutes yet.. but my AG came with this new liquid nutrients Please help me save my babies see attached pics