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  1. NastYNortH

    The DIY poor-man's pipe and bong page

    If the headshops in my area had decent prices I'd buy with cash the local's actually have nice thick bongs their short as fuck tho for 50
  2. NastYNortH

    The DIY poor-man's pipe and bong page

    The pvc doesn't get hot you use a metal bowl and down stem it's not like i'm burning the fuckin pvc how retarded.
  3. NastYNortH

    Who can Diagnose this Plants Sickness?

    You deffinetely know your way around a garden too growone. +rep
  4. NastYNortH

    pregnant iowa women: watch your step (or be arrested)

    That was complete sarcasm at it's best you said it.
  5. NastYNortH

    Who can Diagnose this Plants Sickness?

    Nevermind thats your humidity I see 78 degrees under the 60 your all good but you haven't watered that droopy one have you?
  6. NastYNortH

    Who can Diagnose this Plants Sickness?

    Your temp looks like 60? If i'm right thats a bit chilly that would explain the soil not drying out in the Vanilla is there any you could get the temp up? or keep more cold out?
  7. NastYNortH

    pregnant iowa women: watch your step (or be arrested)

    But I'm done arguin with you how bout you start and journal and prove that your information is good and grow some weed like every other person on this website.
  8. NastYNortH

    pregnant iowa women: watch your step (or be arrested)

    I just had a funny feeling.
  9. NastYNortH

    pregnant iowa women: watch your step (or be arrested)

    My Avatar is my plant if you couldn't figure it out anyways.
  10. NastYNortH

    pregnant iowa women: watch your step (or be arrested)

    I just posted my grow 2 days ago and I didn't say I was a master grower and if your such an amazing grower and give such good advice why don't you start a grow journal? Could you not risk losing the old shack in the woods?
  11. NastYNortH

    pregnant iowa women: watch your step (or be arrested)

    Do you even know what sadistic means I doubt it because you are a little kid I'm not gonna waste my time arguing with a little kid your probably all little kids who haven't a clue what your even typing.
  12. NastYNortH

    pregnant iowa women: watch your step (or be arrested)

    Come on are you 12 I think you should get some sleep kid you have a long life ahead of you don't waste it being an asshole on a forum get a life do you have a family or are you just a sodistic hermit who lives in a shack in the middle of No-where who gives his friend weed to use his internet?
  13. NastYNortH

    pregnant iowa women: watch your step (or be arrested)

    Only children continue stupid bullshit and your clearly showing that you are the childish one Did your parents not teach you to resolve your problems are they bottled up inside you and in a fit of rage you come on rollitup to talk shit cause if you called someone gay they would knock you on your...
  14. NastYNortH

    pregnant iowa women: watch your step (or be arrested)

    Yea that's all this was, a misconception that was blown out of hand I should stick to the weed growing forums it's what I know best LOL.
  15. NastYNortH

    pregnant iowa women: watch your step (or be arrested)

    It wasn't regarding what you said and I didn't read the argument thoroughly so I skipped to my own conclusion I appologize I just don't have any smoke and it's pissin me off sorry to everyone reading this forum I sincerely appologize.
  16. NastYNortH

    pregnant iowa women: watch your step (or be arrested)

    You don't even grow weed why did you make this account to be a complete douchebag?
  17. NastYNortH

    pregnant iowa women: watch your step (or be arrested)

    Also, I joined before you so How could I be someone you knew how stupid are you KID?
  18. NastYNortH

    pregnant iowa women: watch your step (or be arrested)

    How the fuck is it possible to scare anyone thousands of miles away why do keep bringing up scared are you? I don't really know what your trying to get at you just keep saying the same things and who, BUT a teenager says thats all you got in the biggest font possible did your mom drop you on...
  19. NastYNortH

    pregnant iowa women: watch your step (or be arrested)

    BTW I can be as hostile and open minded as I want don't like it don't fuckin read it just stating my opinion and if you wanna talk shit I'm just as good at it so bring it.
  20. NastYNortH

    pregnant iowa women: watch your step (or be arrested)

    Who the fuck is ikmy I joined last year if you couldn't READ that on my profile.