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  1. rckstr

    does cutting the poppy for the juice work?

    Got a website where a fellow could get these dried pods? I looked myself but all I can find are places that sell them in extreme bulk, 200+ for the price you listed there. I only want 20-40 of them....
  2. rckstr

    Amanita(s)? anyone tried them?

    Well that's my fault then for not doing enough research on them before eating one!!!
  3. rckstr

    Legal Bud Smoke Shop - International Oddities

    I really don't think it made me high... It gave me a really nice calming buzz, but not like "WHOA THIS SHIT ROCKS!!" You know how weed makes your eyes feel kinda like they're popping out? Like, they're swollen a little? It does that to me. And, just makes it really easy to relax.
  4. rckstr

    Amanita(s)? anyone tried them?

    I ate a half a cap once, and didn't notice anything at all. It was an average sized cap, probably a little bigger than the top of a pop can? And like I said, I ate half with no results. I'm 6' 150 lbs, took on empty stomach at about noon, with no results going into the night at all.
  5. rckstr

    Legal Bud Smoke Shop - International Oddities

    I bought the O.P.N. from them.... Pretty harsh on the lungs, however, very relaxing, very calming, and tastes pretty good. I recommend using a hookah, or a water pipe if at all possible. I also got some spice somehow, at a local headshop here. That stuff is awesome... Twice as much as...
  6. rckstr


    I know man, I am careful. I'm as careful as anyone can be. Trust me! Over the course of 3 years, I've only used up 4 grams of coke, total. A little over a gram a year is not bad. I'm not about to suck anyones cock for dope... But I may be under the wrong impression then, because this...
  7. rckstr


    Just an FYI, I'm not addicted to shit. It's fun. It's been 2 months since my last shot, and 4 months prior to that. Addicted? NO. I just know how to control it. It's been a while, and I'm ready for some more.
  8. rckstr


    WTF man????? Are you fuckin kidding me? I've been on erowid.... I've been on a shitload of educational websites, drug info websites, the DEA and FBI websites, etc. I'm no junkie. Do you even know what a junkie is??????? Someone who's life is controlled by drugs, so much to the extent that...
  9. rckstr


    God I love powder cocaine.... I could sit and shoot up for hours, and have just a blast!!!!! I love hearing that train coming... Ears whistling, hearing gets all tinny, heart starts racing, pull the tourniquet off and let it ride baby! Problem is, I've been looking for coke where I live, but...
  10. rckstr

    Websites selling oxies, percocet, tramadol, xanax?

    How legit are these places??? I've found a few myself, but I don't know if these sites are good for the money or not. Anyone know of any sites that are reliable??? I can't find even a remotely reliable oxy...
  11. rckstr

    Persian White Poppies (DWC, and Soil)

    Can't you get in trouble if they get stopped? Like, attempting to import a controlled substance or something?
  12. rckstr

    Persian White Poppies (DWC, and Soil)

    just curious to see how this has been going for you all?? I've been trying to grow some for about 3 months. They just keep dying! I have 500 seeds left from ethnobotanicals and I HAVE to get it right! Here's what I've been doing so far - I have an 8" terra cotta pot, filled with "moisture...
  13. rckstr

    Legal Solid Smokes... Amyone try 'em?

    Fazeone, please PM me. I've got a few ??'s for you....
  14. rckstr

    Legal Solid Smokes... Amyone try 'em?

    Honest to God, that spice stuff is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Matter of fact, it's so amazing, that if you get caught with it, it can be considered the same as weed. No shit - because it gives the exact same feeling as weed. It's not chemically similar, however, it will affect you the same way. There's...