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  1. brassneck

    My 1st grow . Autoflowering

    day 28 pics . as u can see im still concerned about the yellowing of leaves and general light green colour of plants . ive been feeding at 1/4 strenght nutes and molasses . bud sites seem plentiful at least 6/7 buds on each plant . av a look and tell me wot u think ...
  2. brassneck

    My 1st grow . Autoflowering

    [ i ordered another 5 seeds last week of the same variety that im already growin . they arrived promptly from attitude seeds . the problem is every one has failed to germinate , except the free ufo la women . i germinated in the same way as the original 3 but no gud . should i contact attitude...
  3. brassneck

    My 1st grow . Autoflowering

    the curling and yellowing started b4 ive gave any nutes ?? they wer about 15 inchs from light with a fan on them constantly , the temp then was 29c at grow tips , ther now 24inchs and 25c . seems to be gettin worse tho . a bit concerned nw
  4. brassneck

    My 1st grow . Autoflowering

    should i b removing yellowimg leaves ?? leaves curling up and seem very dry , i have now moved them further away from light
  5. brassneck

    My 1st grow . Autoflowering

    growin fast , very bushy, smell good.
  6. brassneck

    My 1st grow . Autoflowering

    my plants are now starting early stages of flowering , i want to use mollases in the water . can i also add my bio bloom to this so its all in one ????thanks
  7. brassneck

    help with auto strain choice! please

    im growing easybud auto . its only 20 days frm seed and already smells very skunky in the growroom . god knows wot it will b like in another 3 weeks
  8. brassneck

    My 1st grow . Autoflowering

    elo all my 3 plants are now at 19 days from seed . today ive changed the lighting from 250 son t - to a 400w grolux hps at 58000 lumens . all the plants are now producing small pre flowers on all new nodes , i havent given any nutes up to yet ,just woteva was in the soil , but today ive given 2...
  9. brassneck

    My 1st grow . Autoflowering

    well wot can i say , in last 2 days my 3 plants have gon crazy . new growth sproutying every wher . really thickened up and doin very well . one of the plants ,the smallest in fact has now got a preflower on the newest node . can i assume they are now gonna start to flower ? i had planned on...
  10. brassneck

    My 1st grow . Autoflowering

    anyone ? any ideas
  11. brassneck

    My 1st grow . Autoflowering

    Hello all . My plants doin well ,but av noticed 2day that lower/older leaves are starting to curl up and goin paler ? Also the tips of new growth are yellow , id like to nip this in the bud(so to speak lol ) b4 it becomes a problem. Ther are pics below u can see curling . Any help appreciated .
  12. brassneck

    My 1st grow . Autoflowering

    ther are no directions on the pack for lighting . i had a look on net and theres only limited info on this strain . all i can find is some thing saying " will flower under any regime inc 24hrs " ive also searched this site and cant find any one who has grown it . it called easybud from royal...
  13. brassneck

    My 1st grow . Autoflowering

    i havent give any nutes yet or bought any . ill get sum thing asap .temp is around 26c/80ish . althought humidity is quite low at30% with fan on them should i stick to the 24/0 light cycle ? not sure if u can get molasses here in uk ? never heard of it or seen it in shops . wot sort of shop...
  14. brassneck

    My 1st grow . Autoflowering

    so would you say these are out of seedling stage ? at day 13
  15. brassneck

    My 1st grow . Autoflowering

    hello ther . it says on seed packaging plants will only reach 50cm in height . i have them growing in 3.5litre pots and i thought that would be ok for entire grow ?
  16. brassneck

    My 1st grow . Autoflowering

    [just some pics at day 11 . Growth is realy speeding up now . The on the left is slighty lagging behind but did have a few probs with that one
  17. brassneck

    My 1st grow . Autoflowering

    Just looked up son pro 400w white coated . It says it has 48000 lumens output and is 2000k . Can these still be used as most flowering bulbs seem to be around 2700k ???
  18. brassneck

    My 1st grow . Autoflowering

    Good advice m8 400w may be a bit ott for space i have and only 3 seedlings . I wait til they bud or i germinate more seeds . Is ther any difference between the tube bulbs and the white ecliptical ones ?
  19. brassneck

    My 1st grow . Autoflowering

    Hello all . Been given a 400w ballast and bulb . The bulb is a phillips son pro , the white bulb shaped type rather than tubular . Is this any better than the 250w son t im currently using ? Doesnt sayon bulb what the colour rating is ?
  20. brassneck

    My 1st grow . Autoflowering

    Thanks for your reply m8y . i have only been giving minimum water last couple days , seem to be a bit happier . how far away should i have these seedlings to 250hps ? ther about 2ft away at moment .