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  1. M

    police heli-cocksuckers help w/ my peace of mind

    thanks for the input id rather ask a stupid question with my freedom then ask in a cell
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    police heli-cocksuckers help w/ my peace of mind

    rather be paranoid then arrested looks like someone didn't get to smoke today douche
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    police heli-cocksuckers help w/ my peace of mind

    okay so starting yesterday i was doing yard work and a helicopter flew right over my house and hovered gave me a quick scare but then got over it but now today less than 45 min ago at the same time as yesterday the same helicopter circle twice and hovered again. I'm able to grow 25 plants i...
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    White flies over load

    i just sprayed with neem oil thanks for the input. my babies are nice and green finally after recovering a light timer mess up so seeing all the flies worried me but ill spray twice a week until gone....
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    White flies over load

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    White flies over load

    what if my plants all look good minus the thrips? clean area still or is a bust
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    White flies over load

    yes i do ill try that
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    White flies over load

    hey guys, my indoor tent started too get a bunch of white flies and im using neem oil it seems to be working as of now but i still have a large amount of them any suggestions???
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    Plant wilting

    No it's cold just now warming up after the past 3 days 58 low but overcast no sun
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    Plant wilting

    yes i gave them time to get comfy
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    Quick question

    Thanks man good info
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    Quick question

    If I have 10 seedlings that are now 6-12 inches in my grow tent and I'm prepping them for outdoor is it smart to force flower to determine the gender before I waste my summer or does doing that cause growth complications? I mean when it goes from veg to flower then back to flower
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    Help all experienced growers

    I know of those but I mean in a month or so it will be fence height I've seen people tie them down I just am curious as to what things you need
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    Help all experienced growers

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    Help all experienced growers

    Just like most of you I put some plants outside I know that he will be a monster already. What are some good ways to tie down your plants to keep from going over the fence????
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    Plant wilting

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    Plant wilting

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    Plant wilting

    I recently put 6 plants outside 3 in the ground and 3 in 5 gallon pots. the ones in the ground are doing fine, great actually, but the plants in the pots seem to be over watered...i know time will tell but my question is does sulfur help plant wilting or just growth?
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    plants of all sizes

    soil seems to be easy for me but when i try hydro i have the worst results. right now i have 9 plants 1st week flowering 8 in hydroton and 1 in soil the one in soil is 4 times as big as evrything else... the other 8 are all differnt size some look so small i know i shouldnt bother keeping...
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    Seedling is starting to curl???

    2 week old plant from seed at the root is starting to curl. im just curious about why its doing that. i thought the term was whorling but i cant find it online so anyone have any help or suggestions