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  1. OxDudette

    Nutes on a Budget

    Just an update on the Jack's general purpose. My plant is now growing like crazy and is a beautiful dark green with absolutely no nute burn whatsoever. Every leaf is perfect now and this thing looks more like a bush than a plant. New sprouts are everywhere and not a single brown or dying leaf...
  2. OxDudette

    Nutes on a Budget

    I'm a recent convert to Jack's in my hydro. I can attest that it works every bit as well as it has been advertised. I found Jack's before I found this thread, and I used it because it was all I had, so it was pure luck that I stumbled onto it, but it turned out to be a smart move on my part...
  3. OxDudette

    Jack's Professional Fertilizer

    Thanks for the heads up. I'll read up on it. This has been an interesting change to have to only go with a single additive that is easy to measure and best of all, it works so well. ;)
  4. OxDudette

    New Bubbleponics Grower with Sick Plant, NEED HELP!

    Thanks, I think this is good advice. I actually could not find any micro nutrients locally, so I went to the hardware store and went through all of their fertilizers until I found a general purpose water soluble fertilizer with micro nutrients. It was Peters All Purpose Formuala (20-20-20). I...
  5. OxDudette

    Jack's Professional Fertilizer

    This has not been updated in a while, but I recently used some of this and it was so good I thought I would search the forum and see if anyone else was using it, only to find this thread. I have been using GH nutrients in my bubbleponics, and my plants looked great for the first 30 days, but...
  6. OxDudette

    New Bubbleponics Grower with Sick Plant, NEED HELP!

    OK, thanks for the heads up. I'll read up on it.
  7. OxDudette

    New Bubbleponics Grower with Sick Plant, NEED HELP!

    What is the purpose of it? Is it a nutrient or something to curb root rot or help with PH maybe? I'll have to check it out.
  8. OxDudette

    New Bubbleponics Grower with Sick Plant, NEED HELP!

    Ok, it must have been the micro nutrients, as the yellow is fading on the leaves that came in that way and the new leaves that are starting to show are all a nice dark green again. I appreciate the help, as I had convinced myself that adding more nutrients was bad. From what I have been...
  9. OxDudette

    New Bubbleponics Grower with Sick Plant, NEED HELP!

    Thanks for all the help. I'm hoping the micro nutrients did the trick. I'll update this post later with the results or looking for more help if there are still issues. So far, it has been almost 24 hours, and while the plants don't look much better yet, they have not gotten any worse, so I'm...
  10. OxDudette

    New Bubbleponics Grower with Sick Plant, NEED HELP!

    What temp do you recommend? Is room temp with temps down to 65 OK? I've read one place that 68 is good, but in another, based on some hydro scientist, that 74 is ideal. So much out there that I don't know which way to go really???
  11. OxDudette

    New Bubbleponics Grower with Sick Plant, NEED HELP!

    OK, added some micro nutes and while the plant doesn't look much different, it has not gotten any worse. I also had another thought, so I wanted to throw this out as a possibility for my issue. We had a cold snap here and it's been much colder and my water was only room temperature. Normally the...
  12. OxDudette

    New Bubbleponics Grower with Sick Plant, NEED HELP!

    In reading through the nutrients chart, it says yellowing of new leaves is due to a lack of sulpher and to add epsom salt, but I think it's talking about potted plants and not bubbleponics, so I'm not sure if I should try the epsom salt cure or not. I'm hoping someone with more experience can...
  13. OxDudette

    New Bubbleponics Grower with Sick Plant, NEED HELP!

    I calibrated it today to make sure it wasn't off or anything. I also used a ph kit as a back up..... just to be sure my meter was working and PH checks out just fine.
  14. OxDudette

    New Bubbleponics Grower with Sick Plant, NEED HELP!

    I'm using a PPM meter and I also double checked with a manual PH tester, so I know the PH is good. I have not used any micro nutes.
  15. OxDudette

    New Bubbleponics Grower with Sick Plant, NEED HELP!

    This is my first grow and I'm growing a Snow White plant in bubbleponics. The plant is about 30 days old now and was beautiful until a couple of days ago. The new leaves coming in now are yellow with green veins, and the older leaves are now showing black spots on them. The black spots start on...
  16. OxDudette

    First Grow - Fem Snow White

    Enjoyed this journal. I just ordered my first fem SW seeds last week and just waiting on them to arrive. This will be my first grow too, so I hope it turns out half as good as yours. Like you, I can't tell anyone or even ask, as I don't hang with the general smoker crowd in my small town, so...