New Bubbleponics Grower with Sick Plant, NEED HELP!


Well-Known Member
Since your using GH Flora series and bubblers, you may want to look into the Lucas formula. which is simply a recipe using 2 of the 3 flora series nutes. Has a hugh following, is quite simple. Much of the philosphy is that everything you need is there, no more no less.

I have used it in coco with great success, getting better results than I did with all of the additives which add up $$$ fast. I now approach my plants knowing that everything they need is in the solution. If something doesn't look right, rather than add some fix in a bottle. I dig deeper and discover the real problem. Has made me a better grower as a result.


Thanks, I think this is good advice. I actually could not find any micro nutrients locally, so I went to the hardware store and went through all of their fertilizers until I found a general purpose water soluble fertilizer with micro nutrients. It was Peters All Purpose Formuala (20-20-20). I flushed my tank and didn't put anything back in except this stuff using the dose as they prescribe, which is 1 tsp per gallon of water for indoors. Within 24 hours, my plant was lush green and had grown 2 inches with multiple new leaf shoots. It was like a different plant, and the roots did the same thing. It seems the plant loves this stuff and it was less than $5 for a 1 pound bucket.

I read up on this stuff and they also make a bloom formula to go with the all purpose formula. When you are ready to bloom, you simply replace 50% of the general purpose stuff with the bloom. Of course I have not tried the bloom yet, because I'm not ready for it, but if it works half as well as the all purpose formula, I will not be ordering any more of the expensive hydroponic solutions. So far, I am sold on Peters, which I think is now called Jack's All purpose, but my hardware store is still carrying it under the old name of Peters. Below is a link to where you can buy it on line if interested. If you buy the "dynamic duo," which is a bucket of all purpose and a bucket of bloom in one order, you get a 10% discount. If you compare the price of this stuff to the price of the hydorponic stuff, it's like pennies on the dollar, and so far, I think it works much better. My new growth looks better than ever and it's growing like wild now. Also, by mixing as prescribed, I have NO nute burn either thus far. It seems 1 TSP per gallon gives me about 500 to 550 PPMs as measured by my meter.


Well-Known Member
I'm using the General Hydroponics Maxi-grow and Maxi-Bloom. This is a dry hydroponic nutrient. I pay about 12 dollars a kilo. I also use Cal Mag a few feedings in Veg as I'm in COCO. during flower I ad Kool bloom dry very sparingly and GH sweetener, soon to be molasses once that runs out.

So far my results are better than using the full compliment of Flora nova and GH supplements. Keeping it simple has really helped get me dialed into the room. I pay much more attention to environmental variables and light intensity. I think my new feeding regimine will cost me less than 25 bucks per cycle.

I watch guys proudly march out of our local hydro store with 600-1000.00 worth of product everytime I'm there. Unbeliveable!

i don't know anything about the petersons but I do recall reading many success stories from a group of growers on the old og site using it that preached the same thing. It's all you need when everything is right.