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  1. S

    My first grow

    Here you go man, the one with the fat top is the opium, I didnt know i was supposed to start flushing like 2-4 weeks out so they got like 1 week left and i'm just gonna flush until then i guess.
  2. S

    how close to harvest?

    Cool, thanks alot brother.
  3. S

    how close to harvest?

    ok those last pic's look pretty bad so i just took them out and took a few more.
  4. S

    how close to harvest?

    I"m tracking they should be about 1 week from harvest, here's the pic's. my first grow so not as bulky as i would have liked. How close do you guys think they are?
  5. S

    is this plant dying?

    Ok, thanks a lot man i was a bit worried about her with only about 2-3 weeks left.
  6. S

    is this plant dying?

    Here she is as of 10 minutes ago, it does make sense that she was being overwatered because i have been posting this grow journal and the moisture meter has been reading pretty high about 8 out of 10 and i thought it was just pushing down into the roots. So i kept her on the same watering...
  7. S

    is this plant dying?

    naw i havent been using the drops to check it PH. i got one of them meters i just stick in the water and it tells me what it is. The only time her PH has been above 6.4 is when i flushed her with nothing but plain water, so PH of 7. other than that, her PH has remained pretty constant. hmmm...
  8. S

    is this plant dying?

    hmm its about 15 inches above the light. I'll repost here again tomorrow night with pictures of everything. would really appreciate some help here. would suck ass for them to die. Thanks in advance. headed to bed
  9. S

    is this plant dying?

    Ok well just updating that I have flushed her again since the first time so Twice i've flushed her now. second time i adjusted the PH to about 6.4-6.5 but that girl has gone from bad to worse. Her brown leaves have doubled and then some. Dont know what to do with her. Guess her punk ass can suck...
  10. S

    Where to buy THC extractor?

    trim is anything you want it to be man, the shit you aint using basicly. hell throw the buds in there if you all you want to do is make honey oil. The butane will suck the THC right off of them. Not really recommended though unless you get some kind of fungus on your shit. Love them buds man.
  11. S

    Where to buy THC extractor?

    if your worried about it grab the metal one to brother, been a while but i used the metal one. i highly highly doubt butaine would disolve anything though. make sure your in a very well ventilated area, dont want to turn into a honey oil fire ball man. haha take it easy
  12. S

    Where to buy THC extractor?

    now that i think of it you could probably find a clear turkey baister as well rather than the metal ones
  13. S

    Where to buy THC extractor?

    got get a turkey baister man. just pop off the rubber end fill it with your trim and put a coffee filter and a metal screen over it and rubber band them on the big end. Then use the butane nozzle in the small end. push the butane through there and thats that man. Just another method
  14. S

    My first grow

    Thanks brother, i really appreciate that. Makes sense about the haze, seems like she's been drooping the whole time. I gotta reflush the WW man got down to the last what 3-4 weeks and i've really burned the hell out of her. Doing that tonight. Thanks for the advice about the SS haze man, i'll...
  15. S

    My first grow

    Well i nute burned all of them. the opium seems to have taken it a lot better than the other 2 but i flushed em and well thats about where we are at. got about 3-4 weeks left for WW and opium. 5-6 weeks for SS haze.
  16. S

    is this plant dying?

    no no i must have put that question in there wrong, PH has always been between 6.7 and 6.1 just wondering if for the flush i should just leave it normal and not add any PH down or anything. either way i already flushed her but i did leave the PH at 7 rather than adjusting it down to the 6.1-6.7...
  17. S

    is this plant dying?

    ok guys, ty for the help. I'll flush her out now
  18. S

    is this plant dying?

    is ph ok to stay at 7 or do i want to drop it to 6.5 or am i just knit picking now?
  19. S

    is this plant dying?

    yeah usually 9 weeks right? Now umm this is my first grow as well so do i just dump 2 gallons if ph 7 water into her 5 gal. pot and i'm good or do i need more water than that. I have really been feeding these girls honestly probably havent skipped feeding them about every 3-4 days. but i been...
  20. S

    is this plant dying?

    wouldnt the leafs up on top be burned first though? they are probably about 15 inches away from a 400w hps bulb though, there honestly running out of room. can give them about 10 more inches or so but thats it. i think i did forget to move my fan up on my ballast so its not blowing directly on...